
Information for Grown Ups

What is a long vowel? What is silent E?

A long vowel is the sound a vowel makes when it says its name. For example, the /o/ in hope says /ō/.

When a single vowel is followed by a single consonant and an E, the E makes the vowel long. The final E is silent. Sometimes we refer to this as the magic E.

Silent E- Video for kids

Long O- VcE

What can we do at home?

  • Practice reading or spelling words. Start with the word mop. Allow your child to read the word. Add the silent E. Talk about how the word and emphasize how the vowel changes from short to long (says its name). Continue reading and writing the words to the left.

  • Use the images to the left. Have your student identify the word associated with the picture and decide if it is a short O or long O sound.

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