Work Experience Education
Work Experience Education (WEE) is a work-based learning course of study that offers internships and employment combined with instruction in critical workplace skills.
The WEE program is an integrated educational process that: (1) helps students to choose a career path based on their interests and aptitudes; (2) prepares them for college and career success; and (3) affords students the opportunity to learn to work with others in ways that are successful and rewarding. The WEE program connects inputs from teachers, counselors, students, parents, and employers to achieve the following purposes:
Link the academic core curriculum with the world of work and promote students' school-to-career transitions.
Help students develop skills, habits, and attitudes conducive to job success and personal growth.
Assist students in career exploration and forging rewarding relationships with employers.
Develop a positive work ethic and acquire or refine work related skills and job performance in actual work settings.