For Families

Welcome! Thank you for visiting. Below you will find some links and resources that are geared toward parents and families. Please feel free to also browse the other sections of the site for more tools to support children and young adults with autism.

Online Module

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After creating the account, access the modules by browsing alphabetically.

The National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (2020) and National Autism Center (2015) have identified Parent Implemented Intervention as an evidence-based practice for people with autism. Complete the module to learn more about this intervention.

Parent-Implemented Intervention


This document includes a list of autism resources and links at the local, state, and national level.

CARE from the University of Nebraska Medical Center is a free online program for caregivers of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Learn more about Heartland AEA's Family and Educator Partnership Coordinators and the ways they provide support and resources to parents.

The National Autism Center's systematic review of evidence-based practices for children with ASD is available as a free PDF download.

Read more about how anxiety may manifest in a child with ASD and how parents can help.

This document contains a list of summer camps and programs in Iowa, including some that are specialized for children with disabilities.