Health Blockchain Platform as a Service


SSOT Health Blockchain Platform as a Service (HBaaS) simplifies and expedites your blockchain application development and gives you the flexibility to choose between available programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. You receive unparalleled benefits from an integrated collaborative development environment, workspace management, version control repository and many preconfigured tasks. Let our platform do the heavy lifting while you focus on value-adding work such as application creation and experimenting with the blockchain technologies at a fraction of the cost and time.

The following paragraphs describe our competitive advantages.

TURN-KEY SOLUTION Preconfigured ready-to-use blockchain solutions support multiple blockchains and integrated development. The test environment provides the most efficient blockchain platform services and addresses the most technical challenges being faced by enterprises.

ACCESSIBLE Our team is cross functional and experienced in the business of blockchain with varied backgrounds. Staffed by the most skilled engineers and award-winning team, SSOT has extensive experience in implementing large scale and complex platform applications.

ROBUST, SECURE AND SCALABLE All resources and support are made ready on the cloud, allowing you to customise and deploy applications anytime and anywhere in a secure, reliable and scalable environment.

COST EFFICIENT We stand by the quality of our products and services. We are committed to providing value to our clients with no hidden costs. Blockchain for inclusion is our mantra.

Our Blockchain Platform as a Service Architecture Overview

Our SSOT Blockchain Platform as a Service

We offer all businesses an integrated blockchain platform to rapidly develop, test and deploy enterprise blockchain applications at a fraction of the cost. The platform can also be used by individual developers.

  • Multiple blockchain technology, private blockchain alongside public blockchain.
  • In-region hosted cloud data centres, leveraging VM and Docker container virtualisation technology to provide a reliable and scalable cloud environment.
  • Integrated cloud development environment with suite of tools to develop, test and deploy blockchain applications.
  • Preconfigured sample applications and ready-to-use applications from in-platform application marketplace and ready-to-use APIs published (e.g., FHIR APIs) for fast prototyping and easier customisation.
  • User and identity access management and security protection services to secure access to the platform.
  • Support micro service–based application architecture to easily composite new applications.
  • Able to expose blockchain applications as APIs and consume external APIs.
  • Provisioning and governing blockchain network
  • Applying operational intelligence to blockchain network
  • Provisioning software and middleware as application services.

Platform Architecture Principles

Long-term success and scalability of the platform is underpinned by the specific platform architecture principles outlined below:

  • Adopt open standards by design, specifically leveraging open source tools and technologies where appropriate.
  • Conform to a layered architecture with modular and pluggable components.
  • Build on robust cloud technology to support scalability, elasticity and auto-provisioning of compute resources.
  • Facilitate blockchain applications to remain agnostic of underlying computer and network structures on the platform.
  • Provide a secure segregated environment for users’ entities to host their blockchain network, thus maintaining data privacy.
  • Provide containerised technology such as containers and virtual machines, for hosting of blockchain nodes on the platform in a distributed way.
  • Support micro-service architecture pattern in developing and hosting blockchain applications.
  • Provide a defined way to integrate self-provisioned middleware services in the platform for additional integration with external world and other private or public blockchain networks.
  • Because of the evolutionary nature of blockchain technology, new protocols are emerging. The platform is architected to support any blockchain protocol, specifically Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum.

Platform Components Overview

Our integrated blockchain platform consists of the following components that provide ready-to-use resources for rapid blockchain application prototyping, development and hosting. The components will be available for use on the platform in phases.

Platform Presentation Layer

The admin console component aggregates the administrative functions required to manage the platform. Administrative functions include monitoring, management, audit and security checking of the components of the platform. This console will be used by the platform system administrators.

The operations console aggregates the operational activities required to manage the blockchain network provisioned on the platform. The operational activities include self-provisioning, monitoring health and membership management of the blockchain network. It will be used by blockchain network owners, auditors and member operators.

This workspace provides development and deployment capabilities for the blockchain and off-chain developers. It provides DevOps capabilities to the blockchain application developers to develop, test and deploy their code on test environments for both smart contracts and off-chain applications before deploying to production instances.

The dashboard provides an executive view of blockchain technology adoption by business owners and their management teams. Executive users will be able to track key performance indicators focusing on multiple dimensions of blockchain adoption.

DevOps Tooling

The platform provides DevOps tooling to facilitate rapid development of conventional or micro service–based blockchain applications and solution templates for rapid prototyping. These include but are not limited to source code management, continuous integration, protocol specific IDEs and tooling.

This comprises a set of development and operations tools for platform developers to rapidly develop and host off-chain applications on the blockchain platform.

Application store is a crowdsourced marketplace to curate all blockchain-based applications. It allows seekers to browse for ideas that suit their businesses and purchase ready-to-use or customised products; it also allows contributors to promote their applications.

The platform command line interface (CLI) and API component provides command line tooling and APIs for the entities to interface with the blockchain platform to manage blockchain applications, networks and accounts.

Since different blockchain technologies provide different tools for the development of blockchain applications, the blockchain platform supports either the host of those tools on the platform or provides API/CLIs for integrating with the tools.

Platform Support Systems

The blockchain platform provides user and account management functions for the platform administrator and entity operators to manage their blockchain platform accounts.

The blockchain platform will provide an identity management system to manage, authenticate and authorise blockchain platform users from multiple entities and public participants.

The platform should provide a source code management system for the entities and public developers to manage the source code of their blockchain applications.

Blockchain Middleware Layer

The blockchain protocol runtime is a logical component that provides the runtime of blockchain protocols (such as HyperLedger Fabric supported by the platform as collections of virtual images, or Docker containers. It also provides sandbox environments for the supported protocol.

The blockchain Event Hub and Gateway Adapters provide the asynchronous messaging or event backbone for blockchain applications, as well as integrating with the enterprise systems. These are used for the integration of blockchain networks using different protocols, integration of blockchain solutions running on BPaaS with the entity’s backend systems and integration of blockchain solutions that require asynchronous communication.

The cryptographic and security services provide a collection of security software components as services.

The platform provides API management as a platform services in the catalogue. This allows blockchain applications to be exposed as APIs, employing security and governance around the API.

The application services component represents a collection of application software and APIs that should be services on the platform, to be used in developing blockchain applications. For example, data and analytics services, multi-tenant content management services and notification services.

Infrastructure Services Layer

The Docker container infrastructure provides a complete infrastructure virtualisation suite to manage and optimise Docker containers on the blockchain platform.

Virtual machine infrastructure provides a complete infrastructure virtualisation suite to manage and optimise hardware infrastructure of the SSOT BPaaS platform.

Platform Catalogue Management

This component provides capabilities to create and manage middleware services and blockchain specific services. Administrative users can create new services and add them to the catalogue. Platform users can access available platform services in the catalogue and self-provision new instances of these services for their use. Some of the examples of services in the catalogue could be:

Blockchain - Hyperledger Fabric Development Sandbox, Ethereum Development Sandbox, Multi-Chain Development Sandbox, Other blockchain development sandboxes.

Language - Node.js Runtime, Java Runtime, .Net Runtime, GO Runtime

Database - CouchDB, MySQL, PostgreSql

This component provides a monitoring dashboard to collect and display monitoring metrics and reports for each blockchain network on the platform. It includes performance data, network information about member nodes status, ledger state and deployed smart contracts. The dashboard provides separate views for different types of operators (blockchain network operators, entity operators, regulators).

The permission management component provides blockchain network operators and owners the capability to manage membership and permissions of blockchain users and nodes within a blockchain network.

The Blockchain Network Registry is the key component that manages provisioning of blockchain networks on the blockchain platform. It interacts with other components to create new blockchain networks as well as add nodes to an existing network.

This component provides audit management capabilities to the blockchain network auditors or regulators. These users can audit the transactions on the blockchain network to verify compliance with regulations and to detect any fraudulent behaviour.

Metering management provides a set services for collection of usage information and metering the platform usage for the accounts. It also provides a service to define subscription plans for platform services.

Platform/Technical Road Map

Phase 0: Design and Version Alpha - May 2018

Develop alpha version, which is focused on the implementation of Platform Presentation Layer (refer to Platform Components Overview). The purpose of this phase is to create a fundamental set of user-facing functionalities and applications catered for the public to try.

Phase 1: Develop DevOps Tooling - Aug 2018

MVP with user interface (UI) and technology enhancements based on feedback from usage of Version Alpha. Deploy basic DevOps tooling, which aims to facilitate rapid development of blockchain applications and rapid prototyping (refer to Platform Components Overview). This will enable our first batch users to try hands-on prototyping. The basic blockchain network is preconfigured in this phase. Only HyperLedger Fabric and Ethereum are supported.

Phase 2: Support Co-creation and Group Development - Dec 2018

With careful implementation of Phase 1, we will deploy (refer to Platform Components Overview) further enhancements of DevOps tooling to support co-working and group development. We will enable micro service–based blockchain application development and allow exposure of the application services as APIs. Multichain is supported in this phase. And limited admin and operation console functions are supported. This is to allow further and faster innovation, sharing of ideas and bringing ideas to fruition. This will further boost our user base and usage frequency. Before this phase, the team will be further expanded to implement API, micro-service, multichain and consoles within the schedule.

Phase 3: Commercialisation Phase - April 2019

After two phases with key feedback gathered to improve user experience, we will be ready for a final push in this phase to provide a comprehensive platform of services. At this stage, our platform will enable users to manage their monthly usage of the platform, hence permitting the commercialisation of our service (refer to Platform Components Overview). Further team expansion will be required to perform comprehensive testing to prepare platform commercialisation.

Phase 4: User Experience Enhancement - Aug 2019

As our users grow and the development environment stabilises, we will next focus on building a new set of capabilities to empower and encourage our users to try different blockchains and find the most suitable for their product by evaluating different features of different blockchains using our platform (refer to Platform Components Overview for additional services provided by our platform).

Phase 5: Interoperability Between Blockchains - December, 2019

We would love you to be part of our exciting blockchain journey