Detecting Counterfeit Medicine Using Blockchain

Fake And Substandard Drugs Are A Huge Global Problem

Detecting Counterfeit Medicine using Blockchain technology

Drug medications are in huge demand world-wide. Such products move through a complex supply chain that crosses several international and regulatory boundaries. This chain comprises of players that create chemical compounds, medications, manufacturing and distributing companies, hospitals, dispensers, pharmacies and patients.

Drug Counterfeiting is one of the most dangerous and major issues faced in today’s world. According to World Health Organization(WHO), an estimated 1 in 10 medical products in low- and middle-income countries is substandard or falsified. an estimated of 100,000 to 1 million people die every year due to falsified drugs.

They can be found in illegal street markets, via unregulated websites/companies through to pharmacies, clinics and hospitals.

The application is designed as a secure decentralized platform for the safe movement of medications all over the world.

The objective of this project is to build a global communication network on a blockchain for fighting drug counterfeit crimes.

  1. To provide a unified transparent platform to players all over the world.
  2. To make sure every user of our application is a genuine user with a valid identity.
  3. Ultimately, to make sure the drugs consumed by the patients are the right drugs.

Blockchain gives the features of security, reliability, transparency, integrity and non-repudiation in this application. We are sure that the drugs consumed by the patients are the drugs they were intended to consume.

We are not just talk, we are actually the 2nd prize winner of the prestigious MIT Bitcoin Hackathon held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

See our presentation that got the 2nd prize at the MIT Bitcoin hackathon!

Drug Supply Block Chain Presentation

Built on - Tech Stack




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Check out the Github repo to get access to the Drug Supply blockchain code.