
Let us be your partner in your Blockchain journey?

Distributed ledger technology (DLT), also known as blockchain, is a relatively new technology made famous by Bitcoin in 2008. Globally, governments, enterprises and idea owners are eager to find the best fit use cases in various industries. Restrained by global shortages of experienced blockchain talents, and challenged by evaluating and adopting blockchain technology, most projects were initiated as proof-of-concepts and most ideas died before they could pivot or mature for commercialisation. Most of the time, these challenges can be identified as listed below:

Are you having a difficulty choosing the best distributed ledger technology for your enterprise?

Let us help you choose the best Distributed Ledger Technology for your business!

Enterprises have difficulties evaluating multiple blockchain technologies and selecting which to use because they lack collective blockchain expertise and a single multiple-blockchain-enabled test environment. For example, many blockchain technologies are available now, such as Ethereum, HyperLedger, Multichain, Ripple and more, but no single platform provides a test environment for these blockchains, and no single technology vendor or consulting firm has deep collective knowledge of these blockchains to help enterprises select the best fitting blockchain technology.

Are you looking for fresh innovative ideas to jump start your blockchain innovation process?

Idea and use case ideas crowdsourcing

We are experts at idea creation, business and revenue model generation and go to market strategies. We can engage the largest Boston health tech innovation community and the world's largest health tech online community on Telegram for crowdsourcing of ideas via coding challenges, hackathons, brainstorming sessions and market research user groups.

Are you looking for specific problem to solve using blockchain? Don't know what use cases for blockchain?

We will help you find fit use cases and evaluate business benefits

Companies have difficulties finding the use cases that will apply to their industry and knowing how to evaluate the return on investment.

Are you looking for a test environment to test your blockchain ideas with no budget?

We reduce your development cost, we provide you with an easy way to install and test your blockchain ideas on our platform

Piecing together the blockchain nodes, storage, cloud development environment and GitHub requires a lot of effort and time. The cost of blockchain project development, whether in-house or outsourced, is prohibitive for a lot of enterprises to build an application from scratch for idea validation, let alone going through trials and errors. Our platform makes failing less costly and allows innovation to go through its natural process.

How can SSOT BPaaS platform help you?

We help you evaluate various blockchain technologies on one single Platform

Using multiple blockchain technologies and multiple experiment environments on one single SSOT BPaaS platform minimises the time to switch between various platforms, applications and providers.

We are enterprise grade

Scalable, secure and robust enterprise blockchain platform for rapid prototyping and easy production deployment in segregated environments for enterprises.

Ready to Deploy Application templates (from our App template library)

Quickly build and validate blockchain use cases atop select pre-deployed blockchain applications by leveraging our ready to deploy blockchain applications. This shortens the time and lowers the costs to create a fail-safe and fast environment.