Media Kit

We provide Blockchain Platform as a Service for Enterprise Innovation

Single Source of Truth (SSOT) Health Blockchain Platform as a Service is an enterprise grade B2B platform as a service, enabling businesses to rapidly prototype their ideas and validate potential markets in a cost and time efficient manner. The platform also supports a B2C model for freelancers to develop their applications or provide professional services. Alternatively, individual developers can use it as a learning or prototyping platform. Apart from providing a lab-like environment, the platform also provides blockchain application development and hosting services, and a marketplace for contributing and selling blockchain applications.

SSOT Health will provide healthcare institutions an easy access to a platform that enables them to develop, test and manage FHIR enabled Hyperledger and Ethereum blockchain applications using different blockchain protocols to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency and a fail-safe environment. This way, organisations can incorporate Bimodal IT strategies to stimulate and encourage innovation while making sure mission critical applications are not impacted.

The SSOT Health platform will support distributed hosting for blockchain network nodes and off-chain applications while providing a centralised platform service for developing, managing and regulating blockchain networks.

SSOT Health simplifies and expedites blockchain application development, gives you the flexibility to choose between different programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. You receive unparalleled benefits from an integrated collaborative development environment, workspace management, version control repository and many preconfigured tasks. Let our platform do the heavy lifting while you focus on value-adding work such as application creation and experimenting with the blockchain technologies at a fraction of the cost and time.

Our goal is to provide an intuitive, reliable, unified, interoperable & scalable blockchain development framework for healthcare enterprises to quickly test ideas for their real world viability. We will help you to fail faster so that you can succeed sooner.

Our proud accomplishments

Let us help you solve the Innovator's Dilemma

The reason why great companies fail is that good management itself is the root cause. Managers play the game the way it’s supposed to be played. The very decision-making and resource allocation processes that are key to the success of established companies are the very processes that reject disruptive technologies: listening to customers; tracking competitors actions carefully; and investing resources to design and build higher-performance, higher-quality products that will yield greater profit. These are the reasons why great firms stumble or fail when confronted with disruptive technology change.

Successful companies want their resources to be focused on activities that address customers’ needs, that promise higher profits, that are technologically feasible, and that help them play in substantial markets. Yet, to expect the processes that accomplish those things also to do something like nurturing disruptive technologies – to focus resources on proposals that customers reject, that offer lower profit, that underperform existing technologies and can only be sold in insignificant markets– is akin to flapping one’s arms with wings strapped to them in an attempt to fly. Such expectations involve fighting some fundamental tendencies about the way successful organizations work and about how their performance is evaluated.

Let us help you overcome the innovator's dilemma. Using our full stack rapid prototyping blockchain platform, we enable you to test ideas with minimal resources and budget. You will fail faster but succeed sooner with the SSOT HBaaS platform.

Our Competitive Edge

Turn-Key Solution Preconfigured ready-to-use blockchain solutions support multiple blockchains and integrated development. The test environment provides the most efficient blockchain platform services and addresses the most technical challenges being faced by enterprises.

Robust, Secure & Scalable - All resources and support are made ready on the cloud, allowing you to customise and deploy applications anytime and anywhere in a secure, reliable and scalable environment.

Trusted - Staffed by the most skilled engineers and award winning team. Our team is cross-functional and experienced in the business of blockchain with varied backgrounds. We are committed to providing you with value and inclusion.

Our Services

We help you try and evaluate blockchain technology

Experiment with different types of blockchains on one single platform. Waste no time switching between platforms, applications and providers.

We help you Crowdsource ideas & talent

Solicit new ideas or tools from your community, experts via crowd wisdom. Aggregate innovative solutions in the shortest time possible.

We are Enterprise Grade

Scalable, secure and robust enterprise blockchain platform for rapid prototyping and easy production deployment.

Ready to deploy App templates (Choose from our App template library)

Rapid Prototype to validate use cases atop select pre-deployed application from our ready to deploy blockchain applications. This reduces the time and costs to create a fail fast and safe environment.

We help you find a good use case

Companies have a difficulty understanding the use cases that apply to their industry and knowing how to evaluate the return on investment.

We can help you find a proven use case for your business.

We help you test and deploy ideas

Piecing together the blockchain nodes, storage, cloud development environment and github requires a lot of effort. It is time-consuming and resources intensive, we can help you simplify and test uses cases and deploy them in the real world.


Infrastructure is critical in all functioning, robust first world economies. However, in the current blockchain state of affairs, proper infrastructure is sorely lacking. SSOT HBaaS will fill this void by building a revolutionary platform that focuses on quick go-to-market strategies, and user friendliness. We empower enterprises and individuals to perform rapid prototyping and validation of business ideas at low cost.

Executive Team

Experienced business IT Professional offering consulting services to the enterprises including Fortune 500 corporations. Specialization includes enterprise Human Capital Management solutions (Oracle, Workday) and HR analytics.

Mission to help teaching underprivileged kids developing skills in coding, robotics and drones. As a co-founder and CTO of bright start foundation, Volunteering to offer curriculum and technology readiness.

Dr. Kal is a Physician and a Pharmacist by training and education with 10 plus years industry experience in Information Technology. Born to a Pharmacist, Dr. Kal left India 17 years ago with a promise to his parents that he would make a big impact in Healthcare. Through his leadership and community building experience he gained through, he built SSOT HEALTH Foundation to become one of the largest healthcare technology community in the Boston area.

Dr. Kal is passionate about using technology to solve healthcare problems.

Our Corporate Partners

Connect with the largest health tech community locally & globally

Join the largest digital health offline local community in the Boston area with four thousand local members and 20000 local email subscriptions.

Join the world's largest digital health online community on Telegram with a total of 70,000 thousand subscribers worldwide.

Join our 35,000 thousand Twitter followers to stay up to date with flashing news from SSOT Health.

See why six thousand people like our Facebook page and why they are following us.

Checkout what our two thousand LinkedIn community members are talking about?

List of partners and customers!

Message from the CEO

Dear Reader,

I would like to personally welcome you to the SSOT HEALTH BLOCKCHAIN community. It certainly is an exciting time for health care innovation as we continue to grow and evolve, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive. Today, not only is our organization faced with many changes on a micro-level, but we are meeting them in the context of much greater change both nationwide and globally. The world of Health care innovation is an exciting area in which to work/study/play, and we’ll continue to meet and bring inspired people together to ensure our customers, partners and entrepreneurs remain at the cutting edge.

We’re transforming the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to help the healthcare industry grow by facilitating connections amongst key partners, and educating those key partners in trends that pertain to Blockchain innovation.

Our partners have continued to meet the challenges of our field and to excel despite setbacks. We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed. We’d like to thank each of your for bringing your expertise to our community. You have the vision, the knowledge, the wherewithal and the experience to help us pave our way into the future. You are truly our greatest asset today and tomorrow, and we could not accomplish what we do without your support. We ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive, and help us shape the future of healthcare and Blockchain. Our personal respect and thanks goes out to all of you. Thank you for being a changemaker and a Blockchain advocate!