Tuesday, June 23rd

8:30-8:45 Morning Message

Character Education

Quote of the Day

"Be joyous always"

9:00-10:00 Science

K Tuesday pages in science packet

1-2 Week 10 pages 38-39 in the Science Journal

CLICK>>>Explore the Grand Canyon



11:05-11:45 Break/ Lunch

12:00-1:00 Reading

K Handwriting pages and

Week 10 in Language Book

1-2 Week 10 pages in Language Book

Today use your book and read it to someone or have someone read it to you.

CLICK^^^Listen to this fun book about a dragon

1:00-1:30 Break

1:30-2:30 Math

K Tuesday pages in math packet

1-2 Pages 17-18 in Math Book

Follow this link and have fun creating your own chin character. Don't forget to take pictures and send them in!!!