Welcome to the Bulldog Blog 

Union Pleasant Elementary school

February 2024 Edition

A Message from your Admin. Team

Mrs. Dehlinger




Leadership Team

Mrs. Wilson

Assistant Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have finished 5 months of the school year and have 5 months left in 2024!   With each passing day our children grow a little more, as they take steps down the path of their lives. It is bittersweet!  We love to teach them, but also know that the years of childhood pass by quickly. 

One of the many ways we work to serve your children is through continuous staff learning. Each month in our staff meetings, our aides and teachers spend time learning about relevant information that can help them in the classroom and in life.  For example, we have spent time talking about the Emotional Keyboard and the amygdala and the stress response.  

During the month of February, our staff will be learning about how the brain learns and stores new information into the memory center of the brain. I thought I would share some of the big key points with our parents and caretakers. Since we do all of this work together, I thought you may find this information interesting and helpful too.

Our children are tasked with many challenges that involve learning something with automaticity; meaning they know it so well, it is cemented in their memory, and they can recall it with very little effort.  For example, when students are learning the sounds that letters make, the goal is to learn them so well that they can recall the information to blend the letters into words with little effort.  This takes time and practice!  Another example is math facts.  When students know these facts with automaticity, they don’t have to think about the facts when they are learning  multiple, complicated steps to solving a problem, such as multiplying fractions or long division.

Science not only tells us, it shows us with brain scans and detail that every person’s brain is different. This is one of the wonderful parts of being human! For example, some people can learn letter sounds quickly and others need a lot of repetition. The brain’s “building blocks” are called neurons.  As a person learns something new, whether it be learning to read, math facts, skiing, or typing, with practice,  the neurons in the brain make connections. The more connections and the stronger the connections, the easier it is to pull the information from the memory part of your brain with automaticity.

A few brain facts for parents and guardians:

1. The best way to store information into memory is through recall. Therefore telling your child an answer to a math fact and having them repeat the answer is an okay way to learn, but even better is then asking them 30 seconds or 1 minute or 5 minutes later. Having them recall repetitively helps them to create neural pathways.

2. During sleep, the brain is working to make those neuron connections and store the information in the memory part of the brain. Therefore, for kids in elementary school, a routine of getting between 9-12 hours of sleep per night is vitally important to learning information that needs to be stored in the memory part of the brain.

3. The growing human brain is constantly building neural connections, while pruning away less-used ones and digital media use plays an active role in that process. Much of what happens on screen provides “impoverished” stimulation of the developing brain compared to reality. Our kids need a diverse menu of online and offline experiences, including the chance to let their minds wander. Don’t forget–”boredom” is the space in which creativity and imagination happen.  

I do get very excited when I get to share information about how children learn. It is a passion of mine! I hope you also find the information interesting and helpful as well!

Mrs. Molly Dehlinger

UPES Principal

February Calendar of Events

February 2 Groundhog's Day

February 2 Bulldog Pride (purple/white) Spirit Day

Community Celebration for Students

February 5 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Boys Intramurals

February 7 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Girls Intramurals

February 8 6:00 - 8:00 PM UPES Winter Carnival

February 12 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Boys Intramurals

Mr. Morton's Barnyard Buddies visit Kdgn. classes

7:00 PM UPES Select Chorus & 4th-Grade Band Concert

February 13 9:30 AM District Band Showcase Concert for Grade 5-6

6:00 PM Board of Educ. Budget Session at UPES

February 14 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Girls Intramurals

February 14 Valentine's Day - Red & White Spirit Day

February 15 District Strings Fiddle Fest at Frontier High School

February 16 Class Color Spirit Day:

February 19 - 23 Mid-Winter Recess

February 26 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Boys Intramurals

February 28 8:00 AM Grades 4 & 5 Girls Intramurals

*Play practice for the UPES Musical will be every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00 - 4:15 PM.  This will be the schedule until April 18.

Parent Volunteers - New this Year:

All volunteers must complete the online training each year, even if you have been trained in the past.  This includes class field trip volunteers and helping with holiday parties.  Instructions are now found in the  Form Library of your Operoo accountThis includes the link to the training along with information on registering for an account.  We will need this done this well in advance of the date(s) you are planning to volunteer, as they must also be Board-of-Education approved before being a volunteer.  Thank you.  


Winter Carnival - February 8th 

The Winter Carnival will be returning to a format more familiar to years past and will include carnival games, prizes, a cake walk and crafts.  The carnival will be moved to February 8 to, hopefully, accommodate more families due to conflicts on the weekends.  If you are interested in helping out please email Lynn Mason at ltn46@hotmail.com.

Learning Fair -March 21st

The Learning Fair is an exciting event UPES PTSA hosts where kids get to display their many interests.  This event has been a huge success over the last several years thanks to Anna-Lesa Calvert.  This year we are looking for someone who would like to work along side Anna-Lesa Calvert and co-chair the event.  Please reach out to Lynn Mason at ltn46@hotmail.com if you are interested in shadowing or helping out this year.

Calendar and Dates

The PTSA will create and post a calendar for important dates, reminders, and spirit wear days at the start of each month to the PTSA Facebook page.  This calendar will be pinned to featured as well.  It is a helpful calendar to have, save or print out and use for reference.  The school lunch menu for the month is also posted and pinned each month alsol.

Spirit Wear

Thank you to everyone who supported our last two spirit wear sales.  A spring sale with new items and options will take place in early April.

Spirit Days

2 - Bulldog Pride – purple/white   

14 - Red & White 

16- Class Color Day (K- red, 1st-orange, 2nd-yellow, 3rd-green, 4th-blue, 5th-purple)

Bill's Day's will be added as they advance in the playoffs and will be posted to the FB page (I still BILLieve - GO BILLS)

PTSA Meeting Dates - 6:30 UPES Library



6/6 - 3:15

Yearbook Ordering

Online ordering is available until Friday, February 23.  The cost is $20.00.  To personalize the yearbook cover is $1.00.  To order your yearbook, visit:  inter-state.com/order and enter code 83485R. (Ignore the previous code published.  Works and link codes can change somewhat quickly.)     You can also click on this link:  Yearbook Ordering 

Notes from the Nurse


COVID Guidelines:

General Reminders:

UPES School Nurse

Mrs. Sarah Insley   

  Phone: (716) 646-3287   

Fax:  (716) 646-3237

Email: sinsley@hcsdk12.org

Attendance Reminder

Staff News:

Welcome to our new Head Custodian, Mr. James King.

Facebook:  UPES PTSA FB Page

Instagram: @upes_hcsd

X:  @upeshcsd 

For the UPES Parent Handbook, click here:  Parent Handbook 

Union Pleasant Elementary School

150 Pleasant Avenue  Hamburg, NY 14075

Main Office Phone:   (716) 646-3280 option 1

Fax: (716) 646-3237

Attendance Office:  (716) 646-3288

Nurse's Office:  (716) 646-3287

To email the main office, contact Mary Beth Murray at mmurrayhcsdk12.org or Jenny Carrig at jcarrig@hcsdk12.org.