HS College & Career Preparation Resources

High School College Preparation:

Howard County Public Schools offers a robust, in house college preparation curriculum through the combined offerings of AP Courses and JumpStart (Dual Enrollment) coursework through Howard Community College. 

Advanced Placement Resources: 

College Board - Info on PSAT, SAT, AP, etc.. Dates, resources, public released free response questions, practice exams

AP Students - All the info related to the AP exams, dates, scores, credit, blog, exam specific pages

AP Classroom - Register for exams, course materials, practice exams

High School Career Preparation:

Howard County Public Schools also offers prolific career preparation programs through in-house Career Academies, the Applications and Research Laboratory (ARL), and a growing Youth Apprenticeship program. 

Career Academies:

"A Career Academy offers high school students with similar interests a unique opportunity to prepare for college and entry-level employment in the specific career areas listed below. Each Career Academy offers a recommended sequence of courses, internships, capstone project, or research project related to students' career goals, and the opportunity to earn college credit and/or industry certification while in high school." 

Career Academy FAQ's

College Credit Articulation Information

Youth Apprenticeships: 


Apprenticeship Maryland

Apprenticeship Maryland is a graduation pathway for seniors, who are interested in employment and further education in a career pathway. Students participating in the Apprenticeship Maryland Academy will earn a salary while learning valuable and marketable industry skills. The program includes a combination of on-the-job training and one year of industry related classroom instruction. Students interview with Maryland Department of Labor (DOL) approved employers for an opportunity to participate in a paid supervised, structured, on-the-job training program. 

Current Positions Available

Apprenticeship Maryland - HCPSS Application

Electrical (IEC) Application