
School Nurse Services

The nurse is responsible for administering first aid, maintaining high standards of personal hygiene among students, vision screening, blood pressure, scoliosis, audiometer testing, assisting in processing insurance claims, weighing and measuring students, informing teachers regarding specific health needs of pupils, reviewing dental health, maintaining accurate emergency information and immunization records.

Medical Information Collection

Parents are able to update child medical information via FACTS Parent Portal. Each summer we ask that parents revisit and update information so we can be sure student medical care information is as up-to-date as possible.

Many students will also require some additional annual forms that need to be printed, completed (in some cases by a family physician), and submitted to the school nurse. You will find all necessary forms on our Medical & Sports Information Web Form accessible via the FACTS Parent Portal.

HCA collects information in this manner for the following reasons:

Information for Parents

Please keep your child home for any of the following:

Information for Parents

An ill child cannot function properly in the classroom. The spread of disease through the class or school can be contained, if the sick child remains home during the acute stage of an illness. If any of the above is detected by the school nurse, your child will be sent home, for his well being and for those with whom he comes in contact.

School Regulations  Regarding Exclusion of Pupils

When to Call the School Nurse

When to Obtain a Doctors Note

When to Send a Note to School

Communicable Diseases 

All students suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease are excluded from school by the school nurse until such disease is diagnosed and treated by a physician or is completely cleared. When a student returns after a contagious or infectious illness, it is recommended that a certificate from the family physician be presented to the school nurse. 

Physical Examinations

Prior to entrance to school, all new students are required to have a physical examination by the family physician. In addition, all students entering PreK, Kindergarten, 4th, 7th, and 10th grade and those participating in sports grades 6 through 12 are also required to have a physical examination. 


First aid is administered in case of accident or sudden illness occurring in school. Parents are contacted if an accident of a serious nature occurs and arrangements made for the child to go to the family physician or hospital. 

Administration Of Medicine During School Time

Students with Asthma & Epipens

Guidelines for the Use of Crutches in School