HBSC 40th Anniversary
Spring Meeting
7th - 9th June 2023 - Lithuania
This meeting will bring HBSC members from across the globe for our 40th-anniversary celebrations, International Coordinator and Data Bank Manager election candidate presentations, International Report and 2025/26 survey preparations and to discuss publication plans.
Welcome message
Jo Inchley
HBSC study International CoordinatorDear network members,
I am pleased to welcome you to our Spring network meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania as we celebrate 40 years of HBSC together!
This is an important meeting for all HBSC members for many reasons. Day 1 will focus on HBSC member activities, including the International Coordinator and Data Bank Manager candidate presentations. We will also be working together on the International Report, new publication ideas and planning for the 2025/26 survey.
Day 2 of the programme is focused on 40th-anniversary celebrations, with external invitees and an exciting programme of events reflecting on our past, celebrating our growth and successes, and looking ahead to the future.
Day 3 provides the opportunity for members to meet and share your work through oral presentations, so please do submit an abstract.
Most of all, we hope you will take the opportunity to meet in-person with colleagues and friends and join in what will be an enjoyable, stimulating and productive few days. I look forward to seeing you there!