Kindergarten Readiness
Self Care and Motor Skills
Use of small manipulatives such as crayons, paintbrushes, buttons, zippers, etc.
Has general coordination on the playground
Performs basic self‐help/self‐care tasks
Recognizes the letters of the alphabet
Writes own name
Engages with books
Can count 10 objects correctly
Recognizes primary colors
Recognizes primary shapes
Social Expression
Relates appropriately to adults other than parent/caregiver
Appropriately express needs and wants verbally in primary language
Expresses curiosity and eagerness for learning
Has expressive abilities
Engages in symbolic/imaginative play with self or peers
Self Regulation
Works and plays cooperatively with peers
Controls impulses and self‐regulates
Stays focused/pays attention during activities
Follows one‐ to two‐step directions
Participates successfully in circle time
Continuum of Standards
Preschool Learning Foundations ~ Transitional Kindergarten ~ Kindergarten Common Core Standards
View what your child should know by the end of preschool, TK, and Kindergarten.
Hermosa Beach City School District • 1645 Valley Drive • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 • (424) 333-9975