What is the procedure to have an ASN deleted?

First you have to “unconfirm” your appointment through the Inbound Management System (IMS). Once the appointment has been “unconfirm”, please contact the EDI support centre with the request, along with your vendor number and the ASN number. Once we have completed the deletion you will be notified; at which point you can resend the ASN and reschedule the appointment

** We are unable to delete an ASN when there is a ‘scheduled’ apt, apt MUST be in ‘unconfirmed’ status**

How can I tell if a PO (850) is Bulk or By-Store?

You will be able to determine the PO type from the SDQ segment on the 850. For a Bulk PO, the SDQ segment will specify the specific DC you will be shipping to, along with the quantity (SDQ.EA.92.ZU0507.240). For a By Store, ‘pre-distributed’ PO, the SDQ segment will list the specific stores and quantities within that shipment (SDQ.EA.92.F35124.4.B15151.4.).

What type of label should I use?

It is required that you use a UCC128 carton label on every carton, whether your Purchase Order is pre-distributed or bulk (refer to the SDQ segment to determine the PO type).

My ASN has rejected for overages, I have checked against the PO but cannot find a problem; what should I do?

Once you have confirmed that it is not a true overage (by not transmitting more than what is expected, or transmitting in eaches, ‘EA’, when we ordered in cases, ‘CA’.), contact the EDI support team. The team will ensure that all units on the PO have been allocated. If they have not, we will contact the buying office to allocate. Once allocated, the EDI support team will reload the ASN.

I sent my ASN but an still getting an alert that it is still not loaded, why?

If an ASN is not loaded or has rejected, you will receive an ‘alert’ from the Inbound Management System (IMS). You will receive the first notification two business days prior to the appointment date and again the day before the appointment. If the ASN has been sent and you receive an alert indicating that it has not been sent, please double check to ensure the BOL# on the ASN is IDENTICAL to the BOL# on the apt. Our system ‘links’ the ASN to the appointment with these 2 fields. You must also take into consideration the time from when you actually sent the ASN to the time it is picked up and processed (allow for 4 hours processing time).

When can I use a Master BOL number?

A master BOL# is used to link multiple ASNs together. A Master BOL #or REF MB segment is used when a vendor must send multiple ASN’s on 1 truck/1 apt. If using this segment, when booking the appointment, you must book with the master BOL#.

There are multiple ASNs attached to one MBOL #. I have sent the first ASN and it was accepted without errors but I have errors on the subsequent ones, why?

If you are transmitting multiple ASNs attached to a BOL, all ASNs must be sent on the exact same date and time in order for the ASNs to be loaded successfully.

How far in advance should I send my ASN?

For DC appointments we require that you send ASNs, at minimum, 24-48 hours before the appointment time so we have enough lead time to resolve issues that may arise.

If the order is Direct to Store the ASNs must be sent at the same time as the shipment.

Can I book an Appointment then send my ASNs?

You can book an appointment before you send your asn. Please ensure that the Bill of Lading entered on your appointment is exactly what will be used on the corresponding ASN or you will receive a notification stating that your ASN is not loaded and a compliance charge will be levied.

If my ASN is rejected at the time of delivery, what options do I have?

If the shipment arrives at the DC and there is no ASN loaded it is likely that the DC will refuse the shipment. There is a possibility, in extreme circumstances, the DC will book a bulk shipment non ASN but a compliance charge will be levied. If the shipment is pre-distributed by store, the shipment will be refused. We ask for you to send the ASN a minimum of 48 hours before your appointment as to address any problems that may occur.

Will I receive a non compliance charge if my ASN is not loaded?

Yes, you will receive a compliance charge if the ASN is not loaded at the appointment time. We ask for you to send the ASN a minimum of 48hrs before your appointment as to address any problems that may occur. Non-compliance charges are automatic if we do not have a loaded ASN at the time of the appointment.

How many POs can be reference on an ASN?

It is acceptable to transmit multiple POs per ASN as long as all POs are being sent on one truck for one appointment.

I have more than one order, can I send one ASN?

Providing all orders fit on one Truck you can send one ASN. We will only accept 1 ASN per truck. It is unacceptable to transmit 2 or more trucks on 1 ASN.

How do I replace an 856 that I sent previously with a new one?

You need to call the EDI Department to first ensure that the ASN is loaded, once this is confirmed you have two choices: 1) If there is an appointment booked against the loaded ASN it will have to be cancelled before it can be deleted, once deleted you will then be able to resend your ASN. 2) If there is no appointment scheduled and the ASN is loaded, the EDI Dept will have to delete the ASN before you can make the necessary changes and resend the corrected ASN.

If the ASN rejected and there is no ASN loaded against the PO you can retransmit the corrected ASN without intervention. Please ensure that ample time is given before the scheduled appointment to complete the processing as it is the vendors responsibility to ensure ASNs are loaded when the goods arrive at the DC.

How can I rebook my appointment using the same BOL# on the IMS apt scheduling system?

1. Cancel Appointment

2. Go back into the Appointment/Compliance clock

3. Enter Appointment number

4. Click on Edit button at the bottom of screen

5. Make changes and then resubmit appointment.

Is my ASN loaded?

It is in the vendor’s best interest to check with one of the EDI Associate to make sure that the ASN is loaded without any errors. A complete list of contacts can be found under the Key Contact link of the EDI web page.

How long does it take for an ASN to load?

ASNs are picked up every hour from the Network, processed through the ASN system and on to the warehouse system. Allow approx. 4 hours for this process to complete.

How do I determine the pack size of a SKU?

The pack size information is provided in the PO4 segment on the 850. When sending an ASN, be sure you are transmitting equal to the pack size or the ASN will reject.

I received an 824, please explain what steps should be taken?

Once the ASN has rejected and the 824 is received, the vendor must make the necessary corrections and resend his ASN. We recommend the ASN is resent with the same ASN and BOL#.

Can an EDI Associate reload an ASN?

Yes, an associate is capable of reloading an ASN. Please ensure that ample time is given before the scheduled appointment to complete the processing as it is the vendors responsibility to ensure ASNs are loaded when the goods arrive at the DC.

Should I send Packing Slips with my Shipment?

Yes, you should always send packing slips with the shipment in order to avoid any anomalies that may occur with the goods being receipted.

When can I reuse the MAN segments?

Hbc requires that you do not reuse MAN segments within a 13 months period.