GPA & Class Rank

Grade Point Average Calculation

GPA’s are calculated based on the number of “points” earned. The majority of courses offered at Hazelwood East are in the simple scale. Honors courses are indicated as an honors class within the title of the course and are weighted with 0.5 credit. If an AP, College Credit, or Gifted class, or if the course is denoted with a (W), the grade is weighted with 1.0 credit if the student earns a "C" or better. Grades are calculated as follows:

Class Ranking

Class ranks are calculated and updated at the end of each SEMESTER (completion in December and June), NOT at the end of each grading period. Class ranks are based on the number of students in the grade level they are currently classified in and are determined by GPA. A simple class ranking is based on a 4.0 scale and weighted class ranks are based on a 5.0 scale. Hazelwood East does not rank students. If a rank is necessary for post-secondary education, the parent/guardian can submit a written request to calculate the student's rank. 

GPA Calculators

Use the "High School GPA Calculator" to determine your GPA.

Use the "Raise My GPA Calculator" to determine how to improve your overall GPA.