Blended Basics

This section is a great place to start if you are just beginning your blended learning journey or want to deepen your understanding of what blended learning is (and is NOT). The conceptual graphics are great for visual learners and will help define blended learning.

For a deeper dive into blended learning, the books listed on this page are exceptional. Many are designed to cover blended learning from an administrative or district implementation level as well as the classroom teacher perspective. As a classroom teacher you may want to skip over some of the chapters geared towards district administrators. Blended Learning in Action has a great Twitter slow chat at #blinaction where you can discuss and process information from the chapters with other readers.

YouTube is an excellent source to see blended learning in action in any age group and subject area. This is great for those who want to see what it looks like, sounds like, feels like but can't get out to visit classrooms in person.

Conceptual Graphics



Twitter Peeps and Hashtags
