Tips for Using the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is a post-service benefit received by individuals who complete terms of national service in approved AmeriCorps programs. After successfully completing an AmeriCorps term of service and enrolling in the National Service Trust, AmeriCorps alums are eligible to receive the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. AmeriCorps alumni can use the award to repay qualified student loans and to pay current educational expenses at eligible institutions of higher education and training programs. 


Using the Segal Education Award


Who To Contact

If you have questions, first log in to your AmeriCorps profile to view your status. This will determine whether you should contact the National Service Hotline or an office at the institution where you are applying your award.

Contact the National Service Hotline at (800) 942-2677 if your status says:

Contact your institution's Business Office if your status says:

Contact your institution's Financial Aid Office if your status says:

Helpful Tips at Hawkeye

If you are using your award at Hawkeye, please note the following tips: