
Selected Resources for Awareness, Learning, and Engagement

Recent Reports

Check out these notable reports and learn how OER is making a difference. (Listed by publication date)

Turning Point for Digital Curricula: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2022 (Julia E. Seaman and Jeff Seaman - Bay View Analytics)

Teaching and Learning with Open Educational Resources (SRI Education and Achieving the Dream, April 2022)

Toward Convergence: Creating Clarify to Drive More Consistency in Understanding the Benefits and Costs of OER (Midwestern Higher Education Compact, April 2022)

Fixing the Broken Textbook Market, Third Edition (U.S. PIRG Education Fund, February 2021)

Digital Texts in the Time of COVID: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education, 2020 (Julia E. Seaman and Jeff Seaman - Bay View Analytics)

The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics. (N. B. Colvard, C. E. Watson, H. Park - International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2018)

Getting Started with OER

Production of Open Educational Resources workflow diagram

OER Source Tracker - Make a copy of this useful template to track OER.

UH OER Training

The OER Starter Kit

The OER Starter Kit Workbook

Creative Commons certificate resources - Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians PDF text

Campus Curated Resources

Kapiʻolani Community College

Kauaʻi Community College

Leeward Community College

Maui College

Windward Community College

Contact: OER campus leads

UH System TXT0 Website - Use this search tool to find classes designated as TXT0 across UHCC.

Attributions and Licenses

Limpets on the Rocks header photo by Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument on Flickr is CC BY-NC 2.0OER-TXT0-Student Success graphic by Leeward Library is CC BY 4.0
Unless otherwise noted, the content in this site is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Open Education Global and CCCOER graphic
Open Education Network Member graphic

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