
Professional Learning

The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges continue to be a part of the global Open Educational Resources (OER) movement to reduce textbook and learning material costs for students and to provide quality education. Research shows that students do better when taught with OER. 

With support from the UH Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges, our college chancellors, and vice chancellors for academic affairs, the community colleges have joined together to contribute funding to support a UHCC Open Textbook Incentive Program. This program provided OER training and support for eligible UHCC faculty, lecturers, and APTs who proposed projects to modify or create a textbook, or convert a course to Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0). OER professional development will continue to be offered in fall 2022 and spring 2023 with the following opportunities below. We encourage you to sign up and develop your OER learning.

Go to the subpages titled Professional Development and OER Incentive Program to learn more.


For questions about these opportunities, please contact your campus UHCC OER campus lead or email

Attributions and Licenses

Taro field header photo by Daniele Nabissi on Unsplash
Unless otherwise noted, the content in this site is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Open Education Global and CCCOER graphic
Open Education Network Member graphic

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