
What is electricity and how does it work?

Guiding Question: What affects the strength of electric fields?

Electrons are easily removed from common substances as static electricity. The attractive force of the electric field is affected by distance between charged objects. Electricity is the flow of electrons along a conductor.



  1. Balloons and Static Electricity
    1. Click on the simulation to the right to explore the static electricity digital lab.


"I'm attracted... No I'm repelled!"

  1. What observations can you make about the behavior of the tape?
  2. What observations can you make about the balloon on the hair and with the confetti?
  3. Complete the lab in your notes using this video.
Balloon Attract Confetti.MOV
Tape Attraction

How can you light the bulb?

Watch the different ways the bulb is attempted to be lit up. Which ways do you notice will work and light up the bulb?

Lightbulb Light Up Test.mov


Fake or Real?