AP US History
The AP Program in American History is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in American History. This two semester course prepares students for college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those of full year introductory college courses. This survey course utilizes a textbook and supplementary readings in the form of documents, essays, or books on special themes. Students will develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly in essay format. This course is designed to enable qualified students to take the AP examination in American History. It is possible for students to earn the equivalent of credit for one or two semesters of college credit depending on college requirements. A “C” or better in both semesters earns the student a unit for the “A” requirement on the UC/CSU A-G list.
Got Questions? Email Mrs. guzman: bguzman@hartdistrict.org