The Early Renaissance

Let's watch a video before learning about this great era of human history.

The Renaissance may be vivid in the mind's eye, or in scenes painted with a profound and moving realism. It is literally “rebirth.” lasted from the 1300s to the 1500s, which lasted about 200 years. During this long amount of time, many important events happened, such as the reformation and the age of sea expeditions. Also, many famous arts, literature, and scientific experiments came from this great era, so it was also called " the age of wisdom."

Lets first watch the picture of Florence, which is the birthplace of Renaissance.

During Middle Ages, the nobles who lived in the country provided the king with protection in exchange for land. Farmers worked the land for the nobles, for which they received protection and their own small piece of land. These rural peasants worked from sun rise to sun set, but even the nobles had few creature comforts. In the cities, where there was a small middle-class population, life was a little easier and individuals had the freedom to pursue whatever trade or industry they liked. In the late Middle Ages, when the threat of invasion from barbarians had lessened, people left the country for towns and cities so they could engaged in more profitable pursuits.

When the Plague Begins in the Late Middle adges and early Renaissance (1350-1450), life in the city was soon to change drastically.That time is also called the "Black Death," it killed one half of the people in Europe. The plague, which was almost always fatal, spread most rapidly in cities, where people were in close contact with each other. The only way to survive is to leave the city for the country. Unfortunately, this solution was only avilable to those people who were rich enough to make the trip.

The plague made people in Europe decrease led to an economic depression. Everyone that works on every job lost many revenue. Every where in Europe were all economic hardship. In the late fifteeth century, the incidence of the plague decreased , there were more people in Europe , creating a new demand for goods and services. A new middle class began to emerge as bankers and, merchants once again had a market for their goods and services.