
Our databases provide quality information as well as many helpful research tools.   Access to these databases is limited to Hampton City Schools. If you need assistance, please visit your library.  USE CLEVER TO LOGIN and look for "Library Resources."

World Book

Find It Virginia



The Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance offers comprehensive overviews of 145 industries and career fields. Click here for login information.

Welcome to, where preparing for your driver's test or driver's license test is easy and interactive. Resources include permit tests, DMV driving tests, and more. 

Types of Sources

Use a variety of sources for a complete view of your topic.  Learn what types are available and when to use them.

Hampton Public  Library

HCS students are able to access digital resources from Hampton Public Library by using their school ID number.

Library of Virginia

Residents with a valid Virginia driver's license are eligible for a free library card and access to over 70 databases.

Open Access Sources

Don't just Google it! Find the very best sources using this curated list of free academic sites and search engines.   

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment students have access to many extra resources through the VPCC Library.  

Citing Sources

Learn to use academic citation styles to give credit to your research sources.

Quick Tools

From topic choice to final presentation, these quick tools can help with all stages of the research process.

Model UN Resources

Preparation is crucial to delivering informed speeches and innovative resolutions.