CTL: Quality Matters Team

Kristofer Scheid
IT, CTL, Canvas support contact

Dr. Alina Oxendine
College of Liberal Arts, Political Science

Dr. Binnur Ozkececi-Taner
College of Liberal Arts, Political Science

Dr. Jennifer Will
College of Liberal Arts, Legal Studies

Dr. Julia Reimer
Hamline School of Education and Leadership

Dr. Trish Harvey
Hamline School of Education and Leadership

Hamline University is committed to implementing the Quality Matters standards for the design of online and blended courses, and we are systematically building and evaluating our courses in this research-based context. The Quality Matters standards assure that the online components of these courses promote learner engagement and provide students with all the tools and information they need to be successful learners. Visit the Quality Matters website for more information about the organization.

Regardless of modality, online, face-to-face, and hybrid courses these days have online presence. Check out Hamline resources for teaching online.

Hamline Quality Matters Team is ready to review your online courses or online components (Canvas) of your face-to-face and hybrid courses and help you with all your online teaching needs at Hamline University.  If you are interested in a team based Quality Matters review of your online course, please email ctl@hamline.edu to start the conversaton.

Our goals for integrating Quality Matters at Hamline University include the following:

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Center for Teaching and Learning; Bush Memorial Library (BML 205)
1536 Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104