The Riverbender 

Parent Newsletter

Week of  March 11, 2024

Para traducir ésta página al español, siga las siguientes instrucciones: 

Upcoming Events:                        

                            Yearbook deadline

                            3rd nine weeks Honor's Day at 8:15

                           Star Rock Café 

Please review the following link to our Riverbend Elementary Parent Student Handbook. We will send a Parent Signature Form home with each student to be signed and returned to your child's teacher. 

RES Student Handbook- English

RES Student Handbook- Spanish

I look forward to serving each RES family this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if needed

Message from Mrs. Smith:

 We have been busy this week looking at our Literacy Data and finding ways to help our students be successful in reading. One way to help us, is to push your child to read at home. Twenty minutes per night can make a HUGE difference in your child's reading growth. If you have questions about your child's progress, please reach out to your child's teacher. Have a wonderful week! 

Lunch Visitors:  

 All visitors must present a photo ID and get a visitor badge in the Front Office. Visitors must be on the approved list in IC to come visit. Lunch visitors will report to the lunchroom and wait for their child's class at the top of the ramp. Visitors will need to sit on the stage with their child only. We do not allow any outside food or drinks in the cafeteria. Once your child's lunch period is over, visitors will need to exit the building though the Front Office.

Star Rock Café / T-shirt Guidelines:            English         Spanish

Here are the guidelines on how students earn Star Rock Cafe each nine weeks as well as goals for earning t-shirts in reading and math. We look forward to celebrating student accomplishments throughout the year. 

Coming March 25th to RES!


Updates from Mrs. York:

Kindergarten Registration:


The Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GMAS) spring schedule has been finalized. Please mark your calendars with these dates. Our 3rd -5th grades will participate in GMAS testing during the window of May 6th - May 13th. Click HERE or see detailed schedule below:

Thank you:

Thank you for the wonderful turnout for Science Night.  Parent Engagement is important to the success of our team.  Please take a moment to read the article Does Parent Involvement Really Matter- Click here. 

Coming Up:

Please plan to join Mrs. York as she discusses upcoming state assessments.  

She will be hosting our Coffee and Chat on April 15th at 7:30.

Media Center

Contact Mrs. Nichols, Media Specialist:
770-534-4141 ext. 7102

Launchpoint Direct Address:

Book Fair Homepage

This homepage is active until Thursday, March 14th if you would like to shop!

One School One Book is Back!

We are reading Friendship According to Humphrey as a school with our families!  Please see the schedule posted here.  Your child should have received a bookmark and a book.  Please sign and return the bookmark by Friday, March 29th.  The QR code will lead to chapter recordings by our staff members.  Enjoy reading together !

¡19 de marzo- Pimer día de primavera! 

Información importante y próximos eventos de la Sra. Minerva:

📅 Anoten en su calendarios:


Ha llegado la primavera.

La primavera es una de las estaciones más esperadas del año, especialmente por los niños, y ya se aproxima. Después del invierno, la naturaleza comienza a despertar y a florecer, lo que crea una sensación de renovación y frescura. La primavera también ofrece muchas oportunidades para que los niños salgan al aire libre y disfruten de las actividades al aire libre. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo la primavera puede afectar a los niños y cómo pueden aprovechar al máximo esta estación del año.

Hable con sus hijos la primavera. Puede compartir sobre los cambios en la naturaleza, sobre cómo los árboles que florecen y los animales que salen de su hibernación, es la oportunidad perfecta para explorar el mundo que les rodrea. 

También pueden escuchar los sonidos de los pájaros cantando y las hojas soplando en el viento. La primavera también trae consigo olores frescos y vibrantes, como las flores y el césped recién cortado. Inclusive pueden saborear algunos de los productos frescos de la temporada, como las fresas y las cerezas. Pueden tomar caminatas por la naturaleza, disfrutar de un picnic en el parque, jugar a la pelota y disfrutar del clima cálido.

La primavera también puede afectar positivamente el desarrollo físico de los niños. Después de pasar tanto tiempo en interiores durante el invierno, la primavera ofrece una oportunidad para que los niños salgan al aire libre y hagan ejercicio. Los niños pueden andar en bicicleta, jugar al fútbol o simplemente correr en el parque. La actividad física no solo es importante para la salud física de los niños, sino que también puede ayudar a mejorar su estado de ánimo y su bienestar mental.

Piense en las diferentes actividades que pueden hacer con sus hijos esta primavera, compartiendo experiencias, y haciendo memorias juntos

 ¿Quiere aprender sobre otros temas este año? 

No dude en llamarme y dejarme saber. A continuación se encuentra mi información.

Para comunicarse cualquier pregunta o preocupación:

770-534-4141 ext. 7119 ó 

Nurse Lindsey Rogers

770-534-4141 ext. 7110



     *Must be brought in by the parent/guardian to the school nurse. 

     *Appropriate forms need to be signed allowing medication to be given.

     *Should be a new, unopened container.

Any unauthorized medication found with a student will be locked in the clinic until picked up by a parent/guardian.

Send Home Sick Guidelines: Hall County school guidelines state the following; 

*All students/employees must be 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medications and

 symptoms must improve before they may return.

Counselor's Corner

Tara King

RES Counselor's website

. Upcoming activities

NHMS administration to talk with 5th grade students about classes and connections choices on March 21st

The Ned Show- March 25th

Fifth grade visits NHMS April 12th 

Looking for tutoring? Here is information about a FREE tutoring resource!

Please help raise funds for our school with these community partners!  Please fill out this FORM to help volunteer at Riverbend!

Sign up for a account and choose Riverbend as your partner school.  Then enter your phone number every time you check out.  

Click HERE for more details!

The Kroger Community Rewards program donates to Riverbend based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to RES, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card.  

Click HERE for more details!

All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops for Education app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase.  

Click HERE for more details!

Please note:  All information listed above could change.

Principal: Keri Smith

Assistant Principal: Heather York

1742 Cleveland Hwy   

Gainesville, Ga 30501


Riverbend Mission Statement:  Equipping confident, committed, service-oriented problems solvers poised and ready to change their world