The Riverbender 

Parent Newsletter

Week of  January 29, 2024

Para traducir ésta página al español, siga las siguientes instrucciones: 

Upcoming Events:                        

Advanced Scholars Academy at Sandra Dunagan Deal Elementary School - APPLICATIONS are now available!

Please review the following link to our Riverbend Elementary Parent Student Handbook. We will send a Parent Signature Form home with each student to be signed and returned to your child's teacher. 

RES Student Handbook- English

RES Student Handbook- Spanish

I look forward to serving each RES family this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if needed

Message from Mrs. Smith:

I would like to thank all of our families that joined us at our Title I Math night. I think that everyone enjoyed it! I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Mrs. Wehunt and ALL of our teachers and support staff for planning such a wonderful night.  Our next Title I event will be on Monday February 12, 2024 at 7:30 in the Media Center. 

 I am excited to announce that we now have a website for our new school! Please check it out for exciting updates about the new building and a countdown to our new school year! Please visit to see the website. It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of January. It is very important that our students continue reading every night and praciticing their fluency facts each night. If you have questions about your child's progress, please contact your child's teacher. 

Thank you to our PTO for providing ice cream to all of our students. It was a really "sweet" treat. Our next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday February 13, 2024 @ 7:30 am. Please join us!

Parent Survey:

Parents please use the link below to complete the Georgia Parent Survey. We would love to have your feedback for our school. Thank you!

Georgia Parent Survey  - 

Lunch Visitors:  

 All visitors must present a photo ID and get a visitor badge in the Front Office. Visitors must be on the approved list in IC to come visit. Lunch visitors will report to the lunchroom and wait for their child's class at the top of the ramp. Visitors will need to sit on the stage with their child only. We do not allow any outside food or drinks in the cafeteria. Once your child's lunch period is over, visitors will need to exit the building though the Front Office.

Star Rock Café / T-shirt Guidelines:            English         Spanish

Here are the guidelines on how students earn Star Rock Cafe each nine weeks as well as goals for earning t-shirts in reading and math. We look forward to celebrating student accomplishments throughout the year. 

Coming March 25th to RES!


Updates from Mrs. York:

ACCESS Testing:

ACCESS testing is for our English Language (EL)  learners started this week. We will test throughout a three week period (January 29th - February 16th). Students will be tested in four areas: listening, reading, speaking & writing. 


The Georgia Milestone Assessment System (GMAS) spring schedule has been finalized. Please mark your calendars with these dates. Our 3rd -5th grades will participate in GMAS testing during the window of May 6th - May 13th. Click HERE or see detailed schedule below:

Upcoming Events:

Coffee and Chat: February 12th @ 7:30am

Title I Input Meeting: March 5th @ 5pm

Family Science Night: March 5th @ 6pm

Media Center

Contact Mrs. Nichols, Media Specialist:
770-534-4141 ext. 7102

Launchpoint Direct Address:

Author Visit:  Nick Mask 

February 7th - Media Center

Look for the order forms in your tuesday folders.  

Nick Mask's Newest Book

Released August 2023

Nick Mask is the author/illustrator of the Waffles the Adventure Cat children's books. He grew up in Gainesville, GA and moved out west after graduating from college in 2003.  He writes and illustrates in beautiful southwest Montana and travels for author visits and new adventures.

Congratulations to our HCSD Tech Competition participants!

1st place - Andrew and Tristan (Digital Game Design), Amelia and Kate (Graphic Design, Aubrey and Cassidy (Productivity Design)

2nd place - Aubree and Victoria (Animation), Ashlyn and Ava (Audio Production),  Hannah and Ximena (Internet Applications)

3rd place - Hagen (Multimedia Applications), Grace (Digital Photo Production), Easton and Genesis (3D Modeling)

We are so proud of our Riverbend students who attended this competition!  We  had 27 participants who presented their projects at this event.  First place winners will go to the state competition in March.  

¡Feliz mes de la amistad!

Información importante y próximos eventos de la Sra. Minerva:

📅 Anote en su calendario:


Educar en valores. La amistad y su vital importancia para los niños.

La amistad es uno de los valores más importantes a desarrollar en la educación de los niños. Se trata del afecto personal, puro y desinteresado, compartido con otra persona, que nace y se fortalece mediante las interrelaciones entre los seres humanos. Para que el niño aprenda sobre el valor de la amistad es necesario formarle con nociones, conocimientos, habilidades, emociones, vivencias, sentimientos, y que le preparemos para vivir con armonía y respeto.

Cómo fomentar el valor la amistad en los niños.

Las habilidades sociales son básicas para relacionarse plenamente en sociedad. Enseñar a los niños, por lo tanto, a cultivar las relaciones sociales, a hacer amigos, cuidarlos y mantenerlos, es fundamental. Es importante porque los amigos son sus iguales, de ellos aprenden cada día, son compañeros de juegos, de experiencias y confidencias. Pero, para que los niños entiendan hasta qué punto son importantes los amigos te contamos cómo fomentar el valor de la amistad en los niños. Siga leyendo: 

 ¿Quiere aprender sobre otros temas este año? 

No dude en llamarme y dejarme saber. A continuación se encuentra mi información.

Para comunicarse cualquier pregunta o preocupación:

770-534-4141 ext. 7119 ó 

Nurse Lindsey Rogers

770-534-4141 ext. 7110



     *Must be brought in by the parent/guardian to the school nurse. 

     *Appropriate forms need to be signed allowing medication to be given.

     *Should be a new, unopened container.

Any unauthorized medication found with a student will be locked in the clinic until picked up by a parent/guardian.

Send Home Sick Guidelines: Hall County school guidelines state the following; 

*All students/employees must be 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medications and

 symptoms must improve before they may return.

Counselor's Corner

Tara King

RES Counselor's website

Please complete our Georgia Parent Survey 

Volunteer information 

At RES we are so grateful for a "Horneteers"!

Riverbend Elementary values and appreciates parents who take time to volunteer at our school!

All volunteers must complete the compliance modules, fill out a google form (link to google form) indicating you have competed the modules (link to directions) with a screen shot of your confirmation email. The keyword for the module website is HallVolunteers and you make your own password

Looking for tutoring? Here is information about a FREE tutoring resource!


Price: $40

Add-ons available:

Advertisement Page Options: 1/8 pg  $15

                                                1/4 pg  $20

                                                1/2 pg  $30

                                                Full pg $50

Questions: or 770-534-4141  ext. 7110

Please help raise funds for our school with these community partners!  Please fill out this FORM to help volunteer at Riverbend!

Sign up for a account and choose Riverbend as your partner school.  Then enter your phone number every time you check out.  

Click HERE for more details!

The Kroger Community Rewards program donates to Riverbend based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to RES, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card.  

Click HERE for more details!

All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops for Education app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase.  

Click HERE for more details!

Please note:  All information listed above could change.

Principal: Keri Smith

Assistant Principal: Heather York

1742 Cleveland Hwy   

Gainesville, Ga 30501


Riverbend Mission Statement:  Equipping confident, committed, service-oriented problems solvers poised and ready to change their world