Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; 2nd Edition

Face Recognition, Triangles, Block Counting, Conceptual Thinking, Pattern Reasoning, Rover, Gestalt Closure Subtests Assess for Visual-Spatial Reasoning

Ages: 3 to 18

Completion Time: 25 to 55 minutes (core battery, Luria model), 35 to 70 minutes (core battery, CHC model)


Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update (KABC™-II NU) is a culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability.

KABC-II NU scales include: Simultaneous (Gv), Sequential (Gsm), Planning (Gf), Learning (Glr), and Knowledge (Gc included in CHC model only)

  • Dual theoretical model: choose from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model or Luria model for a global score that is highly valid.

  • A nonverbal option can be used to assess a child whose verbal skills are significantly limited.

  • A wide range of scales and subtests are designed to minimize verbal instructions and responses, and give a detailed picture of cognitive ability.

  • Provides correct Spanish-language responses and teaching text on the easels and record form.

  • No need to purchase a new kit for current KABC-II customers.