Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; 2nd Edition

Ages: 6 to 90:11

Completion Time: 4-Subtest From 30 minutes, 2-Subtest Form 15 Minutes


WASI-II is a fast and reliable measure of intelligence when screening for intellectual disabilities or intellectual giftedness. WASI-II is also useful for reassessing individuals following a comprehensive evaluation.


  • Screen to determine if in-depth intellectual assessment is needed.

  • Reassess after a comprehensive evaluation.

  • Estimate a range of FSIQ scores on comprehensive batteries.

  • Assesses cognitive functioning of individuals referred for psychiatric evaluations.

  • Measure IQ scores for vocational, rehabilitation, or research purposes.

  • Compare results to the Wechsler Family Fundamentals: Academic Skills to determine a student’s academic strengths and needs based on an ability-achievement discrepancy analysis.

AW WASI-2.docx