Spanish and German Panels

Andrew Orchowsky, Joseph Patterson

Fidel Castro y el movimiento 26 de julio

Location: Experimental Classroom • Time: 11:15-11:30 AM

Fidel Castro was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. A controversial figure around the world, Castro was seen by some as a hero who was able to stand up to the United States, and by others an evil villain whose heinous acts against his own people have caused him to go down in history as totally despicable. In this VoiceThread presentation, Joseph Patterson and Andrew Orchowsky will present the story of the 26th of July Movement and Castro’s rise to power. This story is one of trials and tribulations; through the sheer perseverance and determination that Castro possessed, he was able to take control of Cuba, and, in doing so, change his country and the world forever.

Aarushi Ahuja, Margaret Brown

Imperfecto de Subjuntivo Video

Location: Experimental Classroom • Time: 11:30-11:45 AM

Ian Stafford, Dafne Sanchez Aguirre, Nicolas Ortega, Iain Parrott, Caleb Bausman, Michael McShane, Colleen Jackson

Dis wo ich herkomm (This is Where I'm From)

Location: Experimental Classroom • Time: 11:45 AM-12:30 PM

Samy Deluxe, Özlem Topçu, Khuê Pham: three German authors, born in Germany. Rafik Schami, Fatih Akin, Yasemin and Nesrin Şamdereli: all German writers and filmmakers, all call Germany home. What is your home, how do you define it? We have been exploring this idea in our German seminar this semester. Students will present their research, from a variety of perspectives, on the new, evolving understanding of ”Heimat” in today’s increasingly multicultural Germany. In the words of German rapper Samy Deluxe: “Dies ist das Land, wo wir leben/Dies ist das neue Deutschland/Dis wo ich herkomm” [This is the country I live in/This is the new Germany/This is where I’m from]. Students will present in German; please bring your earbuds for a simultaneous interpretation in English.

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  • Put your phone/tablet/laptop on mute
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