Panels, Discussions & Performances

Your session chair will be in contact with you a few days before GUS. Keep a look out for that contact and be sure to reply to them in a timely fashion.

In particular, it’s a good idea to email any PowerPoint or media file you will use during your presentation to your session chair. (This will serve as a backup in case you have technical difficulties with your version)

  • Bring that file to your assigned session on a thumb drive.

Meet your session chair and fellow session presenters in your assigned presentation location 10-15 minutes ahead of your session start time.

  • Check the posted schedule for your the start time of your session (NOT just when you are presenting your work) and assigned room.
  • Get to the room at least 15 minutes before your session to check in with your session chair and load your power point or other media onto the computer. There will NOT be time to log in and out of the computer between presentations, so be sure that you bring your presentation on a portable usb/thumb/jump drive and email the presentation to your session chair as a back up.

During the session:

    • Time your presentation according to the time allotted, and also allow time for questions.
      • For short talks, plan to present for 10-12 minutes and leave 3-5 minutes for Q & A.
      • For panels and performances, talk with your faculty sponsor about how the panel should be organized.

Stay for the entire session and listen courteously when others are presenting. Ask the other presenters questions about their work.