
Wondering what you can do over the summer to prepare for school in the Fall?

Here is a list of materials you can explore to keep your math skills sharp!

The best way to feel ready to come back to school in September is to practice your math facts!


2nd-8th Grade Students: Don't forget about IXL!

IXL is a great way to review and practice concepts learned in math class. They have a Summer Resources Site within IXL. This section within IXL makes it easy for you to practice the key concepts and skills you will need to be ready for the next grade level! Please click on the IXL sign to continue.

*** BE SURE TO LOG IN ONCE YOU GET TO THE PAGE -log in at the top of the page. It won't prompt you to do so, it will allow you to answer a few questions and then prompt you. It is best to log in before you begin any activity.

LOG IN INFO: Both your username and password are your 5 digit code. The 5 digit code is your user id. If you are unsure of your user id, check your eSchool account. If you are not signed into google, your username will still be your 5 digit code with "@gcsd" at the end. For further questions, email your building's math speicialist.