December 21st 

I established my need-to-know for the midterm during my last journal post:  I need to know how is/can eye care be sustainable. I later delved into ideas on the materials contacts/glasses are made of and the environmental impacts of eye care based on those topics, and, to my luck, I found a scholarly article talking about technological innovations in contacts that have made them recyclable. Linked here: Article.

Analysis of Article Based On SPECS:

Significance - Although the article was a bit of propaganda towards a specific brand of daily-use contacts called Biotrue ONEday contact lenses, it provided insight and a movement towards sustainable, eco-friendly vision correctors that are recyclable when they usually are not. It is a progressive article focusing on improving the world around us and the goods- in eye care- that we consume in a positive, environmentally safe way.

Perspective - This article affects people who wear contacts or look into how their eye care may impact the environment. It pushes people to look into what products they use do to the environment and question eye-care providers, encouraging the questioning of contact lenses. 

Evidence - The author proves the importance of the topic they discuss through statistics to emphasize their ethos/reliability to make the reader trust them. In the article, the author mentions specifics on how much the program has recycled and its positive impact, as they "diverted more than 55,200 pounds of this waste" (Giedd). 

Connections - The topic of sustainability connects to multiple other fields, as we are in an age that is getting increasingly more aware of the negative impact we have been having on the world. Many careers and ideas have been focusing on a more green world, such as in glaucoma and airplanes, as my partners for January's midterm are studying.

Supposition - The article itself is asking: What if it were different? What if a revolutionary, environmentally friendly way to make contacts was available? It leads me to wonder similar questions about glasses. I aim to find a similar scholarly article talking about glasses and changes in eye care toward sustainable prototypes of those as well.