August 24th

I'm interested in learning about vision issues and solutions in the orthopedic field because I have extreme myopia. My mom used to argue with doctors about decreasing my sister's prescription, as she was into the whole alternate solutions thing. The optometrist would always say that those things didn't work. My mom continued to make my sister do eye exercises regularly. I sometimes wonder if she has better eyesight than me due to that, as my mom gave up on it by the time I got glasses. 

My mom's curiosity spread to me, in a way, and I'm planning on aiming my project towards alternate vision solutions that don't end up in getting glasses. So far, I know I'll look into eye exercises. I'm already familiar with the Lasik procedure as I researched it during a health project. I also want to learn more about other eye diseases I don't often look into or know about since I'm focused on issues of similarity to mine. 

As one of the C's stands for curiosity, I'm beginning to write down questions to base research on, like why is there confusion surrounding eye exercises? Since I only know a few vision correction options, I'm not confident it will sustain me for the year, which leads me to my next question: What other vision corrections are out there? Again, even the problems I know of are limited, so what type of vision problems are "unfixable"? Although we all know LASIK, what other orthopedic surgeries are there? As I mentioned, the doctors had told my mom that eye exercises wouldn't work. They blamed it partly on genetics, as my mom has glasses. So, is it true? Do genetics play a role in vision loss? I wonder what questions my research will lead me to ask and what my project will become.