August 10th 

I'm thrilled to have EMC added to the many activities I enjoy outside school. Those activities include that which I have been doing from a young age, like Bharatanatyam, which is an Indian classical dance form, and also Sangeetham (Indian classical music); both these types of performing arts go hand in hand. I also do sports, specifically Cross Country and Track. Running is a relaxing way to enjoy time outside after sitting all day through classes instead of going straight to homework after school. For the two years I have been a runner, I have gotten pretty good at balancing it with schoolwork. 

I mainly enjoy drawing outside of school, and along with running, it is something that relaxes me. I also love spending time with my family, although it doesn't exactly count as an activity. Due to this, I often try to reduce my daily phone time to an hour a day, as I want time after homework to talk to them. Another thing I love to do is watch shows with my sister. Even though she is a lot older than me, she still takes time out of her day to spend time with me, and her advice is something I truly cherish. I'm grateful that she lives at home for (the time being) as she commutes from college.

Many people who haven't known me long do not realize what an anti-social person I used to be. It is a part of me I spent a lot of time working on and trying to change. Most people know me to be extremely talkative, but that's because I try to push myself to be that way. Knowing that I was quiet often comes as a surprise to new people in my life. Although it isn't shell-shocking like a life-changing event, it's something I wanted to share and something I am proud of myself for changing.