Scholarship Opportunities

The cost of training programs in healthcare careers can be high.

Scholarships can assist students with these costs.

Niche - List of scholarships for Health Care Majors.

GHD 2022-23 Scholarship Application and overview:

The Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) wishes to encourage young people to consider the health care industry when making their career choices. GHD has scholarship funds to be awarded to graduates of high schools within the boundaries of the District during the 2022-23 school year.

Two Scholarships are to be awarded to each school site in the Grossmont UHSD (One for $3300 and one for $1650).

Applicants must have no less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA and application includes a short 200 word essay about why you want to pursue a career in health care.

GHD Scholars 2022