Week 1 & 2

Lesson Learning Objectives

  • To understand the set up of a studio.
  • To understand camera positioning.
  • To understand the style of a news report.
  • To understand the importance for getting good sound.
  • To understand the importance of the different roles in a team.
  • To understand the importance of having a script.

News Report Expectations

  • Our media team has worked together effectively to produce our first News Report video for IJTV.
  • Our media team has written a basic script for the first video.
  • Our media team has edited the footage together as a team.

Steps for Recording the News Report

  • Using the pages app on the iPad write your script for your News Report.
  • Find a good background image to replace the Green screen.
  • Use the iPad as an autocue for the recording.
  • Using the Green Screen app on the iPad to record.
  • Import the video into iMovie and add extra effects.
  • Export the video to a Youtube Channel for Ingrave Johnstone.