Literature Circles
Literature Circle Unit Plan
The main benefits of Literature Circles are students have increased choice and voice on the novels they read and the activities they complete. In this three part unit students:
- Analyze and Discuss various elements found in the novel
- Represent their thinking using a Headline routine and Adobe Spark Posts
- Present a Book Promo to their peers using Adobe Spark Video
Literature Circle Preparation
Students prepare for Literature Circles by reading a short story and completing a whole class literature circle. Using a cooperative jigsaw discussion structure, small groups complete each of the ROLES below. Outcomes and Rubrics are built into each slide.
- Summarizer
- Word Wrangler
- Investigator
- Bridge Builder
- Discussion Director
- Illustrator
Discussion Skills Preparation
After ROLES are understood, students set criteria for effective academic discussion and group work. Using the acronym RAPP, categorize their observations.
- Respect - I use inclusive language and actions to show respect. 5.1.5
- Add Ideas / Ask Questions - I propose my own and others ideas to advance the thinking of the group. 5.2.1 5.2.3
- Paraphrase - I clarify perspectives and opinions by examining the ideas of others. 5.1.2
- Productivity - I organize and complete tasks cooperatively by defining roles and responsibilities, negotiating to find the basis for agreement, setting objectives and time frame, and reviewing progress. 5.2.4
Book Selection & Reading Schedule
Students have a book tasting. Set up the classroom cafe style and have students read the book summaries to decide on their top 3-5 books. Use the google form to select groups and set a reading schedule.

During Literature Circles
Using the class established reading schedule, students move through a cycle of reading and analyzing using ROLES, discussing in small groups and . in teacher led literary mini-lessons. (mini-lessons help students complete their final Book Promo Project.)
Book Promo Project
Students use their literary mini-lessons and visuals to create a Book Promo with Adobe Spark Video. These videos are presented to the class and students vote on the top three. After revisions the Promos are evaluated using an outcome based rubric.