Fatty Legs Novel Study
Fatty Legs Unit Plan
Overview: Before reading the novella, students research a variety of topics to help them understand Inuit way of life then they share their findings with the class. During reading, students complete comprehension questions, visual analysis organizers and discussion slides. These activities help students comprehend the novel and organize their thoughts for their final Adobe Spark Video project.
- I discuss how ideas, people, experiences and cultural traditions are portrayed in various oral, print and other media texts.
- I explain how differing perspectives and unique reactions expand understanding. 7. 5.1.2
Part 1: Research & Presenting Findings
Students research and present their findings to the class to better understand Inuit culture and to improve their reading experiences. Summative Outcomes Include:
- I use note-taking, outlining or representing to summarize important ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts. 3.1.2
- I plan and organize data collection based on instructions, explanations and pre-established parameters. 3.4.1

Part 2: Read and Discuss the Novel
As students read they complete brief check for understanding questions. They also complete a visual analysis and discussion organizers for each chapter. Teachers model how to complete each activity to improve student understanding and independence. Formative / Summative Outcomes Include:
- I discuss how ideas, people, experiences and cultural traditions are portrayed in various oral, print and other media texts. 5.1.1
- I explain how differing perspectives and unique reactions expand understanding. 5.1.2
- I discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback, are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts. 2.2.10
- I develop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experience. 2.2.9

Part 3: Adobe Spark Video - Fatty Legs Story Reflection
Students create an Adobe Spark Video to show to show what they learned about people’s ideas, experiences and cultural traditions. They use class discussions to help reflect on the story.
Formative / Summative Outcomes Include:
- I experiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotion. 4.1.10
- I clarify and support ideas or opinions with details, visuals or media techniques. 4.3.2
- I discuss how ideas, people, experiences and cultural traditions are portrayed in various oral, print and other media texts. 5.1.1
- I explain how differing perspectives and unique reactions expand understanding. 5.1.2
- I produce oral, print and other media texts with well-developed and well-linked ideas and sections. 3.3.2
- I identify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audience. 4.3.3.