Wheels & Levers

Wheels and Levers (4.6) Lessons and Projects

Demonstrate a practical understanding of wheels, gears and levers by constructing devices in which energy is transferred to produce motion. 4.6

Students will create a levers word cloud to manipulate the unit vocabulary.

Levers Vocabulary Word Art
Word Art Instructions
Tweet It: Wheels and Levers
Tweet it: Student Example
Twitter Template

Tweet It: Wheels and Levers

4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.9

Students use Google Slides to create tweets to demonstrate a practical understanding of wheels, gears and levers.

Students will sort levers into their proper categories with this Drawing. 4.6.8, 4.6.9:

Use the mnemonic if students have trouble remembering.

Building a Pop Can Catapult

Spoon Catapult

Building a PopCan Catapault: 4.6.9

Instructions for creating catapults.

Wheels and Levers Templates


  1. PowerKnowledge: Levers Powerknowledge has 9 sections on levers. Videos, web links, games, listen feature, and a list of science experiments are included.
  2. PowerKnowledge: Simple Machines Powerknowledge has 11 sections on simple machines.
  3. Students Click HERE for a Kahoot Game on Simple Machines made by Mrs. McClements. Teachers Click HERE to begin the review game.
  4. All About Simple Machines
  5. Dirtmeister's Science Reporters: Simple Machines
  6. Beacon Learning Centre- Click the pictures to learn more about simple machines.
Roues et leviers Projet final
Roues et Leviers Définitions