LEA Partnerships

As part of it’s community school strategy, Lea has developed a diverse network of partnerships with community-based organizations and local institutions. As of the 2023-2024 academic year, Lea is in active partnership with 33 partner organizations that are responsible for facilitating 42 distinct partner programs with our school.

Click on the sections below for detailed information about Lea partnerships.

Partnerships Overview

What is a School Partner?

In its School Partner Onboarding Guide, the School District of Philadelphia defines “school partners” as organizations that:

By contrast, school partners DO NOT include:

Henry C. Lea Elementary School defines “school partners” as organizations, programs, or individuals that provide coordinated supports or services to the school for the benefit of those who participate in the supports or services. 

Our approach to partnership is grounded in our belief that every partnership must place the development, goals, and well-being of Lea students at the forefront of every element of partner programming as well as the underlying relationship between the school and its partner.

Partner Organizations

The types of organizations, institutions, and/or initiatives that comprise Lea’s partner organizations vary across the following categories: 

Partner Programs

The categories of programming that comprise Lea’s partner programs vary far more considerably, as demonstrated in the following list: 

Partner Focus Areas

Lea’s network of partner programming addresses a variety of school-defined focus areas. For the purposes of strategically aligning partner programming and resources, the focus areas reflect the following school goals and priorities: 

School-Community Partnerships

While many of Lea partnerships are connected to the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) through the Lea-Penn Partnership, Lea partners with a wide variety of community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and faith-based institutions, as well as programs affiliated with the School District of Philadelphia

Of Lea’s 37 partner organizations, 21 of them (57%) fall into this category, and of Lea’s 54 partner programs, 16 of them (30%) fall into this category. Among the community-based and non-profit organizations that partner with Lea, some collaborate with and/or are supported by Penn institutions in providing programming for the school, while others operate their partner programming independent of the Lea-Penn Partnership

Lea-Penn Partnership

Go to our Lea-Penn Partnership page to learn more about one of our school's oldest and most wide-ranging partnerships.

Partner Collaboration Framework

Partnerships depend on consistent, open, and honest collaboration between stakeholders. The school’s Principal and Community Partnerships Coordinator have developed the following framework to guide the collaboration between the school and its partners in relation to the development, coordination, and sustainability of partnerships at Lea.

By providing both a vocabulary for describing partnerships, as well as a framework for how collaboration between the school and its stakeholders is conducted, we hope to foster a mutual understanding of how partnerships work at Lea, as well as the roles and responsibilities of both school-based collaborators and community-based collaborators. In doing so, we aim to foster partnerships that are beneficial to all school stakeholders — a challenging task that requires ongoing commitment on behalf of the school and those with whom we partner.

Over the past few years, Henry C. Lea Elementary School has gradually developed and implemented a Partner Registration Process in order to ensure that every partner organization, partner program, and partner staff member has completed mandatory processes required by the school’s Principal and Community Partnerships Coordinator, as well as the School District of Philadelphia. 

Every partner staff member is required to complete every step of the Partner Registration Process by the deadline before they will be permitted to facilitate any programming with Lea students, families, and/or staff. 

Click on the link for detailed information and step-by-step instructions regarding how to complete the Partner Registration Process.

The Lea Partner Directory provides basic information about each of Lea's partner programs and organizations. 

Click on the link to access the Partner Directory.