Child Maltreatment


Child maltreatment is physical, sexual, or mental maltreatment of a child or children, chiefly by a parent or other caretaker. Child abuse may consist of any operation or loss to act by a parent or other caretaker that results in definite or possible abuse to a child, and can occur in a child's home, schools or societies the child relates with. The terms child maltreatment and child abuse are usually used interchangeably. Child maltreatment is as an umbrella word to envelope disrespect, exploitation, and trafficking.


Defining child maltreatment rely on current cultural ethics as they reveal to children, child advancement, and construction. Definitions of child maltreatment can differ covering the regions of society which contracts with the matters, such as child safety agencies, legal and medical societies, public health official, specialist, and child campaigner. Since representatives of these distinct fields turn to use their own explanations, connection beyond the regulations that can be finite, obstructing attempts to classify, estimate, record, serve, and prohibit child maltreatment.


Emotional abuse:

It invokes to the behaviours that damages a child’s self-worth or mental includes activities such as name calling, shaming and threatening.


It is a deficiency to meet a child’s elemental commitments. This includes housing, food, clothing, education and connection with therapeutic care.

Physical abuse:

This is voluntary use of physical violence against a child like hitting, beating, burning, kicking, poisoning and suffocating.

Sexual abuse:

It involves engaging a child in sexual includes caressing, molestation and threatening.


Child abuse in India is usually a concealed aspect chiefly when it develops in the home or by family members. Target with appraises to exploitation that has typically been in the more social territory such as child labour, prostitution, marriage, etc. Intra-house abuse or abuse that takes spot in organization such as schools or government homes has acknowledged nominal scrutiny. This may be due to the arrangement of household in India and the act the children have in this arrangement. Children in India are usually extremely reliant on their parents and seniors. They remain to have accommodating and respectful characters towards their parents even after they have lifted out of their paternal home. Societal abuses that are an outcomes of poverty such as malnutrition, absence of education, meagre health, disrespect, etc. are recognised in assorted schemes by the Indian legal system. But India does not have a decree that secures children against abuse in the home. Mal-treatment of care givers has the hidden to and mentally damage children to a very contrasting intensity.



  • Child abuse. (2017, December 14). Retrieved December 19, 2017, from
  • Child maltreatment. (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2017, from

Ramesh’s Story

Everyday Ramesh passes through a street in his village and watches beautiful little houses and nature. He has to start his day very early because he has to reach a site where he works as a labourer. He is barely 13 years old but has a lot of responsibilities on his little shoulders. His father is also a labourer and spends all his money in buying wine, that’s why for saving lives of other members, Ramesh has to work. He earns little but at least he supports his mother and little brothers and sisters and provides them meals. Ramesh has to work for long hours starting from early morning till late evening. On his way to site he watches how happy are the other children of his age, they have nice clothes to wear and good food to eat. They go to nearby school. Ramesh also went to School for a year and he was very intelligent but family circumstances compelled him to leave school and work as a child labour. Food is their primary and foremost need. He hears that Govt. is providing meals to Primary classes’ students, he wishes to join school again, a thought strikes his mind “ how can he be so selfish? what will become of his younger brothers and sisters?”.

His mother also wishes her children might have a bright future but she is helpless, she also works as a maid in nearby houses and earns a little money. He wonders why his father is so indifferent towards the needs of family, he has money to buy wine but no money to buy food or clothes for his children. Ramesh hates the kind of life he and his brothers and sisters have been compelled to live, he is helpless, himself a victim of circumstances. His master is so cruel towards him and often doesn’t pay him. Ramesh has firm faith in God and he thinks one day circumstances will change and he would lead a happy life like children of his village.

Sagar JNV Jhajjar

Raju got freedom at last.pdf

Views of Ms. Habiba Rahmani on Child Maltreatment

Child maltreatment is a common factor in Afghanistan . Even children don't have their basic rights. There are different kinds of child maltreatment in Afghanistan such as child labor, kidnapping, family's violence which includes mental and physical treatment. For example the rights of a child is having a friendly family, suitable food, entertainment and education, but most of the families don't give them these rights and force them to work as a laborer.