Plasma and Surface Engineering Laboratory 

Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering ,National Formosa University 


Yin-Yu Chang 

Distinguished Professor, Dr.



Lab Phone: +886-5-6315967


Research outline

The Plasma and Surface Engineering Laboratory (PSEL) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory that serves as a focal point for industry-driven research and education in advanced thin films and coating systems, surface engineering, micro- and nano-mechanical, tribological and protective materials. The research is focused on understanding and controlling thin film growth and on surface and interface engineering, as well as on the metrology of coating properties for their applications in different areas such as mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, automobile industry, security and others. 

Hardness and maximum useful temperature of steel, WC-Co and different hard coatings developed by PSEL. 

*TEM micrographs of nanocomposite AlTiSiN and multilayered TiAlN/ZrN hard coatings.

*SEM micrographs of antibacterial TaN-Ag thin films and their antibacterial peroformance to S. aureus.


Latest Patents

US 7523914 B2, High-hardness and corrosion-tolerant integrated circuit packing mold.

M562214, 異種供料系統. Cooperated with NATIONAL CHUNG-HSING UNIVERSITY. 2018/06/21~2028/2/13. MOST 106-2218-E-005-003.