「原來我得㗎 」美國中學交流計劃獎學金





This year is so amazing for me having the opportunity to study in the United States of America. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I would cherish for the rest of my life.

Martinsville High School is a public school that is situated in the town of Martinsville, Indiana. It was a real privilege to attend such school as they offer a wide variety of academic subjects including Culinary Arts, Psychology and Motorsports Technology. Another interesting fact is that the school operates on a trimester schedule, which differs from the schooling system in Hong Kong. I had to study two core subjects, English and US History, plus four electives. Although there were extensive courses available for selection, I ended up choosing Calculus, Statistics, Geometry and Algebra because I have a great passion for Mathematics.

Teachers in Martinsville High are caring and supportive to every international student. They helped me to adapt not only to a new environment but also a new culture. I can vividly recall my very first English lesson there. My English teacher and fellow classmates were engaging in a discussion, but I just glued to my chair and could not utter a word. It was not until the end of the lesson that I took the courage to approach my teacher for help. She was so patient to answer all the questions I had. My English has improved significantly under her guidance and I have become a more confident user of English over the next few months.

Besides academics, students of Martinsville High are encouraged to participate in different athletic events. There are many boys and girls varsity teams available for tryout at the beginning of the school year. However, what fascinates me the most is the school’s sports facilities: two gymnasiums, an indoor swimming pool, a weight room, a football field and more. I have never seen any schools like this in Hong Kong, and all students and teaching staff of Martinsville High can enjoy those facilities in their free time. As for me, I trained with the swimming team from November to February in order to keep fit. Also, I felt glad because I was able to meet new friends in different sports activities that I joined.

Is it worth to spend a year studying abroad? I am sure this question would pop up in every one of your mind. Being one of the beneficiaries of the “YES I CAN” U.S. High School Student Exchange Scholarship, my answer is a definite YES! This remarkable journey has indeed broadened my horizons, but more importantly, it has helped me to become a responsible and confident person. Therefore, I hope all of you can believe in yourself and try to do the things that you have longed for.


1. 15 至 18 歲 (注意:申請人必須於 15/3/2002 - 1/8/2005 期間出生)

2. 中三至中五的學生

3. 最近一期全年成績不多於兩科不合格 (中、英、數必須合格,成績優異是輔助條件,不是絕對條件)

4. 基礎英語溝通能力,以應付美國在學期間的日常生活 (英語良好是輔助條件,不是絕對條件)

5. 須活躍於校內校外活動,積極進取,樂於助人,有領導才能

6. 家庭經濟困難學生會有特別考慮




申請獎學金的同學必須先閱讀申請須知,再下載申請表格 (必須親筆填寫),所有文件必須轉 為一個PDF 格式檔案,上載至 https://forms.gle/ChaepGt5tAjre1T29



a)「中學生美國交流計劃」計劃費用港幣 $119,000 (不能兌換現金)

b) 全年生活費津貼共港幣 $12,000 (分期頒發)