Corporate Therapy

The Growing Mindset Therapy team has a combined 35 years experience in the field through which we've gained a variety of experiences + specialities.

We're on a mission is to provide convenient + accessible therapy to the community through Corporate Therapy contracts.

80% of workers report feeling stress on the job. 1 Healthy and happy employees are more productive and engaged in both their company and individual jobs. 2

"Not having to worry about finding a therapy provider, working them into my schedule, and figuring out the funds to attend has been a huge weight off of my shoulders." - 28 y.o. female

Mental health can directly impact an employee’s performance at work. Burnout, depression, anxiety, and more are real life barriers many employees face when sitting down at their desks to complete a days work.

Our corporate therapists can provide consistent, in the moment support to your employees to increase their productivity, longevity, & attitude about work. 

In addition to 1:1 therapy, we have facilitated the following services & workshops: 

"The convenience and ease is a game-changer."

Female, 23

Being able to offer in-house counseling services allows employees to receive services tailored to help them through unique workplace and home life challenges resulting in higher performing staff and a more positive organizational culture. 


1.  American Institute of Stress

2. Society for Human Resource Management