
We're excited to have this platform to serve as a space to share resources with our beautiful community. We're also passionate about making mental health support accessible, relatable, and even a little fun. At Growing Mindset Therapy, we believe what grows around, comes around.

Have a small business that you want us to collaborate with? 

Email us their info and we'll reach out!

FREE Breathing Exercise

Curated by Heather Rafanello, MSW, LCSW - this breathing exercise is a great coping skill to add to your toolbox for times of heightened anxiety, stress, anger, or and more. This tool increases your exhalation, resulting in an activated parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for establishing homeostasis and balance. The parasympathetic nervous system helps to calm the body during heightened states, therefore by increasing the length of your exhale, and decreasing the length of an inhale, we are working to send the message to our body that we are safe, and we are okay.

Download the FREE coping skill

Mind Meets Body & Soul Podcast

A wellness podcast co-hosted by Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Heather Rafanello, & Reiki Master & Spiritual Teacher - Devon DeGilio, Mind Meets Body & Soul bridges the gap between Clinical Mental Health and Spiritual Holistic Wellness. Together, we discuss various wellness topics while highlighting the connection between the mind, body, and soul. Whether you prefer the concrete research of Clinical Psychology, are guided by the ancient teachings of Spirituality and Energetics, or find yourself somewhere in the middle, this podcast was made for you!

Listen to Mind Meets Body & Soul on 12+ streaming platforms!


Burnout Recovery Plan

For many, the end of the year often brings about feelings of burnout. Ready to work through our burnout? Download this freebie, and read our article on The Hoboken Girl.

Download Free Worksheet

Read Burnout Article Here

30 Day Gratitude Challenge 

November seems like the perfect time to kick start your gratitude practice. We're hosting a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge to help you get started. We'll send you a free digital calendar, journal prompts, and invite you to a few Instagram Lives where we'll be asking other local professionals about their gratitude tips.

Click here to download!

Join our Instagram Live Series:

We've got worksheets and workbooks available for sale on our Etsy Shop!