2024 Beach Clean

2nd Annual GMT World Ocean Day Beach Clean

Part of our mission at GMT is to grow not only ourselves as individuals, but to grow our beautiful community through events and philanthropic efforts. We believe what grows around, comes around, and in seeing this through we’ve decided to bring back our WOD Beach Clean. 

🐳 Did you know that the ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen? (www.un.org)

Here are the details:  

🐙There's no official meet up place - this is a DIY event, so participants will head to their local beach or community anytime between 6/7 and 6/9 to clean up. 

🐠Clean out kits & swag bags will be mailed to all participants who register prior to 6/3. 

🐬 We’ve got a curated playlist so you can clean up in style. 

🦭 Last but not least (you know we love a gift) we’ve got some giveaways so be sure to tag us on social for a chance to win! 

If you want to register, please do so here.