
March 31 is National Crayon Day, so to celebrate we're sharing some ways that coloring can improve your overall wellness.

Heather Rafanello, MSW, LCSW @GrowingMindsetTherapy 

Coloring books have always been a key part of childhood, but it’s about time that adults hopped back on this bandwagon because there are quite a few benefits to coloring.

1. Helps to quiet your mind

Coloring helps the brain relax by creating a quiet space through an effortless activity + feels quite therapeutic for some people. Some studies have even shown that focusing on a coloring page can help put your mind into a meditative state. It stops your mind from worrying about the future or the past, and forces your attention on a tangible item in the present moment. This type of deep focus interrupts that voice in your head, our inner roommate + even quiets negative self-talk. For those who find meditation to be challenging, coloring can be a great way to start this practice.

2. Increases brain functions

Coloring not only focuses your brain's attention on a simple activity, but it also improves its functioning by activating both of its hemispheres. When you are choosing colors or thinking about what to draw, you are using your creativity. When you draw shapes and figures, you are using your logic.  

3. Improves Motor Skills

Some coloring pages are pretty complex, and these detailed images help you to sharpen your motor skills, which are skills we use less and less these days because of technology. There are some healthcare professionals who believe that coloring, crossword puzzles, + brain teasers, can not only improve motor skills but delay the onset of dementia. 

4. Improves Sleep

This is a big one. In addition to quieting your mind, coloring before bed is much better for you than scrolling on your phone because it eliminates exposure to blue light. Blue light has been found to hinder a person’s quality of sleep because it stops your body from naturally releasing melatonin. By coloring, or even reading, you are allowing your body to naturally release melatonin as you prepare to go to sleep. 

5. Improves Focus

Adult coloring books can also improve your focus by giving you something elementary and tangible to focus on. Coloring also activates your frontal lobe, which is your brain's problem-solving and organization house. Consistent time spent coloring allows your brain to take a break, and do some behind the scenes processing and organizing. 

6. Relieves Stress

One of the biggest benefits that coloring can have for adults is relieving stress. Coloring is repetitive, and it requires attention to detail. The human brain is wired to monotask, so coloring takes up our brain space making it difficult for stress + other thoughts to seep into our consciousness.

Let’s not neglect that coloring can also be nostalgic. Incorporating coloring at the beginning or end of the day can help us reconnect to times in our lives when things were less stressful, which further increases relaxation.

7. Reduces Anxiety + Depression

In addition to increasing creativity, mindfulness, and sleep, there are studies that have shown that coloring can actually reduce anxiety in adults. Further, the more intricate a design, such as a mandala, can be even more effective at reducing anxiety. “Coloring for 20 minutes or more is an effective way to lower your heart rate and decrease feelings of anxiety” (WebMD). 

Let’s be clear, coloring alone won’t eliminate your anxiety or depression but it can reduce the impact of anxiety + stress that can lead to depression. 

If you enjoy coloring, then you should practice it often. ‌By coloring, you're creating a space for your mind to relax, and function better. When done consistently, this will retrain your brain to slow down, and be more present focused. You're not only helping your mind, but coloring also residually helps your body because of its stress relieving benefits.

Whether you start to color for fun, to relax, or to bond with your little ones (or inner child), there’s no reason not to try it. Grab a coloring book, or even a blank piece of paper and get to it!

DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to treat, or diagnose and medical conditions, nor is it a replacement for mental health or medical treatment. If you or someone you know is in need of clinical support, our team is able to provide therapy services to those in NJ and FL. Contact us to learn more. If you or someone you know is in need of immediate support please contact emergency services. U.S. Mental health crisis line: dial 988 ; medical emergency dial 911


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