Scholarship Process

Just as a reminder, here are the steps you should go through when looking for scholarships.

  1. Apply to any college you have interest in. Many schools have scholarships you are automatically awarded once you are accepted. This is where the majority of your scholarship money will likely come from.

  2. Once accepted, dig into other scholarship opportunities through the college. You can find these by going to the financial aid page of the college you are considering. Look for scholarships based on your major, ethnicity, gender, location, etc. You will likely need recommendations so make sure you ask a teacher, pastor, family friend, boss, myself, a coach, etc. at least a week ahead of time for your recommendation. Give them a resume in order to help the person writing your recommendation put specifics into your recommendation. Also, let the person writing your recommendation know what they need to do with your recommendation (give it to you, mail it in, upload it to a site, etc.) You can apply for as many scholarships as possible from the college. If you are awarded the scholarship you will only get the money if you actually attend the college. If you decide that you do not want to attend the college you will forfeit the money. You have no obligation to go to a college just because they have awarded you scholarship money. In an ideal world, you have been awarded scholarship money from all of the schools you have interest in so you can weigh the financial cost of each school. When you receive your award letter ( you can then see the true cost of any of the schools you are considering.

  3. Then start looking for “local” scholarships. These could be scholarships for all students in Poweshiek County. You can find many of these here:

  4. Lastly, take a look at sites like:


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Please let us know if you have any questions or need help in any way!