Letford Elementary

Thanks to our voters, we will be designing a new Letford Elementary that honors the amazing work of our students, educators, and community. Stay up to date with the work and opportunities to contribute below.


New Building Design Video

March 24, 2021

RB+B Architects has put together this "fly through" video highlighting some of the still HIGHLY CONCEPTUAL work (meaning nowhere near a final design) on the new Letford campus. You can view the video by clicking the image to the right.

Replacement Letford School Naming Suggestions

March 4, 2021

The Weld RE-5J School Board is looking for suggestions to name the replacement PreK-5th grade Letford Elementary School, which is scheduled to be open the Fall of 2022. The current Letford Elementary School site will remain as Letford Park so the school board is wanting your suggestions for a new name! Please fill out the form to share your suggestion. You can submit multiple times different names but you do not need to submit the same name repeatedly since the board of education will only see the names filled out once. The board of education will review the suggestions at the end of April, 2021.

Design Advisory Group Doing Innovative Work

February 8, 2021

The Design Group for Letford is working hard to both inform the design of a school the community can be proud of while really pushing the thinking about the innovative teaching and learning opportunities the school will support. The team has been open to embracing change and challenges to get the best design for our community.

Board of Education president Wailes is proud of how our educators are involved and stated, "They are giving the architects a lot to think about."

Sampson Construction Unanimously Selected As General Construction Contractor

February 4, 2021

Sampson Construction was unanimously selected as the general construction contractor for the replacement for Letford. The board had three very good candidates shortlisted and Samson came out above the rest. Although not a factor in the decision, Sampson Constrcution does have a local office which will make collaboration easier.

Architectural and Enginnering Firm Selected

Janaury 21, 2021

RB+B Architects of Fort Collins was selected out of 15 submissions for architectural and engineering services on the Letford replacement. This B.E.S.T. grant supported project is being overseen by our Letford Design Advisory Committee.

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