
We are putting a major investment into our facilities thanks to our voters. Projects include:

  • a new Roosevelt High School

  • a new Letford Elementary

  • a transportaition and maintenance building

  • a new playground, carpet, and furniture for Pioneer Ridge Elementary

  • a new playground and interior redesign that includes furniture and HVAC system for Milliken Elementary

  • new furniture for Milliken Middle School

  • conversion of the current Roosevelt Builidng to serve as a middle school

District projects will be shared below while site specific work updates can be found on the school specific project pages.


Design Advisory Group Updates

March 16, 2021

Design Advisory Groups are hard at work to determine sites and details of our new Roosevelt and Letford Buildings. Learn more by visiting the school specific pages to the right.

Furniture Refresh Work

March 2, 2021

Our school based teams are putting thoughtful consideration into the furniture refresh work. They are utilizing a design thinking process that includes getting input from students and teachers to ensure alignment with our guiding principles for innovation.